Page 46 of Finding Home

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I can feel his goofy grin, then a juicy kiss on my cheek before Bobby shoves him off. “Stay,” he laughs and skips away. “Have dinner with me, Kitty. I wanna date you before B does.”

“James! Fuck off!”

“Robert!” Jimmy laughs. “Stop saying fuck!”

“Are you guys sure we’re not intruding?”

Bobby’s murderous face turns sweet in an instant. “No, definitely not. We want you to stay.”

Jimmy collects his water and gloves with an eyeroll. “Never thought I’d see the day my brother turned into my sister.” He turns and walks backwards toward the locker room. “We ordered enough pizza for everyone. Plus, you’re family, remember?”

I look back to Bobby’s pleading chocolate eyes, and with a soft nod, I mentally plan an evening with Bobby – and all of his brothers. I look down my body; my skirt, my heels, my hair that feels too tight. I feel claustrophobic and wound tight, but I have time to run home and change if I hurry.

Rifling through my handbag and looking for keys, Bobby steps in closer and places a large hand on my arm. “Please could you stay? I really wanna spend time with you. I ordered loads of pizza because I was hoping you and Jack would stay. It’ll be fun, I promise.”

I smile at his disappointed face. “Yeah, we’ll stay. I just want to run home and get changed. I feel kinda crap in my work clothes.”

“Crap?” He steps back to look me up and down, then leans in closer until his stubble brushes against my cheek. “I think you look sexy,” he whispers. “This top,” he presses his finger to the ‘V’ of my neckline, “makes your tits look amazing. Those heels have me picturing all sorts of shit a good girl like you shouldn’t know anything about.”

Shy and pleading Bobby has stepped out, and in his place is the guy I met at the club. Confident, sexy, kiss a girl you don’t know, I’ll-probably-want-to-change-my-panties-when-I-get-home.Thatguy. Butterflies tickle my stomach at the reminder of my date with this man in twenty-four hours. I’m excited and terrified. Exhilarated and turned on.

I bite my bottom lip to stop from panting like an idiot, and when his eyes follow the movement, my eyes dance with power and giddiness. “Thank you. Maybe I wore these heels because I knew I’d see you today.” He groans throatily and presses his chest to my arm. With a smirk full of all the power I possess, I step away and turn to find Jack. “Come on. We’ll go home and get changed. We’ll be back in twenty.”

He shakes his head and walks backwards in the direction Jimmy went. “Nah. I’m just gonna get a shower here. I have spare clothes in my bag. I’m all good.”

That wasnotpart of my plan. Bobby steps in as soon as we’re alone in the big room, and he doesn’t stop his advance until his lips tickle the shell of my ear. “Need a hand getting changed, Kit? I’ve been washing my own back for twenty-six years. Bet I could help you out.”

His breath on my ear sends tingles down my spine and into my toes.

I’m actually half tempted to say yes. Taking Bobby Kincaid home to work off the sexual tension that can be traced exclusively back to him, sounds like exactly what I need. Jack’s not home. I could let him do whatever he wanted and we’d be done before the fight ended. It’d be amazing.

But as usual, shyness and insecurities win out. I mean, what if I accept only to find out he’s joking? I’d die of humiliation. “No.” With regret in every word, I continue, “That’s okay. I’ll be quick.”

With a silly ‘tsk,’ he turns and gestures toward the front door. “I’ll walk you out, then.”

I walk ahead of him, but I don’t miss his long legs eating up the space fast, or his warm hand on the small of my back. We’re silent as we move into the dusk light, and when I reach the car with my keys in hand, I turn and startle to find his face close to mine.

Slowly raising a hand, he runs a finger along my jawbone in silence. His stare sends my heart hammering in my chest, and if he leaned forward just a fraction, he could probably feel it, too. “Be safe, but be fast.”

I can’t speak. I’m overwhelmed at his nearness.Just kiss me, Bobby! Put me out of my misery, I’m begging you.I know my head screams that this won’t work, that my life’s too complicated, that he’s well and truly out of my league, but my heart and my hormones scream‘yes please!’

Both answering my prayers and smashing them to pieces, he leans in and places a closed mouth kiss on my lips. So soft and warm, and oh so comforting.

I want more. I want him to open my mouth with his. I want him to press me against this car, and I want to wrap my legs around his hips so his large hands cup my ass.

But I don’t ask for that, and when my silence stretches for too long, he lays his forehead on mine. “Hurry back, babe.” He places a hand on my hip and pulls me away from the car to open the door, and when I hesitate to step away, he slowly lowers me into the car himself.

Before I can close the door and sigh at how dumb I am, he crouches down and brings my chin up to meet his gaze. “You sure you don’t want me to join you?” He smirks playfully. “Save water, save the environment, all that sorta stuff.”

I’m dying to say yes. My eyes screamyes!He can wash my back, and my legs. My boobs and everything in between. He can slide his strong hands along my skin so I’d know what it feels like to be worshipped.

He quietly laughs against my cheek, though it’s humorless and bordering on desperation. “Shit, woman, you’re killing me. Yes, no, yes, no. My balls cry because of you.” His thumb comes up to stroke my cheek. “We can’t tonight. We absolutely don’t have enough time for a quickie in the shower. I promise you, we need more time than that…”

Part of me, most of me, considers dragging him home and missing the fight altogether.

“It’s not all or none.” He presses his forehead to mine and scrunches his eyes closed as though in pain. I think he is, technically. “Don’t worry. A no right now doesn’t mean no forever. We’ll get to it. Soon.” Daringly, and for the first time since the club, he presses his lips to mine hungrily. His kiss is hot, and this time comes with tongue, but it’s over quick and leaves me breathless and wanting. “Drive safe, hurry back.” He presses a kiss to my forehead and stands quickly to escape. I let out a shaky breath as soon as the door is closed, and looking up into the rear-view mirror, my lips turn up into a goofy smile at the color in my cheeks.

Whew! Get yourself under control, girl.
