Page 48 of Finding Home

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“Definitely a cool idea,” he says with a faraway look. He’s totally thinking about my best friend in scraps of lace right now. Her underwear drawer, if he ever sees it, will blow his mind. “So, if she’s not busy, I dunno,” he shrugs, “maybe you should call her. Tell her to bring dessert and watch the fight with us.”

I’m pretty friggin sure he wants more than ice cream from her, but I like him. He’s been nothing but a gentleman since we met. She’s dated douche after douche for years, so why the hell not?

“Sure. I’ll text her.” We stop at the gym entrance. “Any ice-cream flavor preferences?” I’m teasing him, but he looks down at me with devilish eyes. Oh boy, these guys are trouble. “Give me five, I’ll text her.”

“Atta girl. I owe you one.” He turns away as I place my crap on the ground, take out my phone, and open up the text app.

Me:Hey! Whatchya doing right now?

It takes only a minute for her to answer, which tells me she is, in fact, home alone and chilling.

Casey:Hey!! Just sitting down with a beer. What about you?

Me:We’re at the Kincaid gym. Watching the Hernandez fight.

Casey:Bitch! I’m waiting for that fight to start, too. I didn’t want to mention it because I know you’ve been stressed and busy.

Me:It’s cool. You should have! I totally forgot. The guys do a pizza fight night thing like we do, but at the gym. They invited us. You should come!

Casey:Really? Now? Are you already there?

Me:Yeah, Jack and I are here, and the guys. Pizza’s here, and I brought some drinks. You should grab some ice cream and come over. Quick! Fight starts soon!

Casey:Argh! But I’m in my pj’s! It’ll take forever to change and get there.

Me:Wear them! It’ll blow Jon’s mind.

Casey:Jon’s there?!? Omg omg omg.

Me:LOL, of course he’s here. Who do you think asked me to text you? Seriously though, I’m wearing casual shorts and a messy pony. Just come, and hurry!

Casey:Okay! Already running to my room. See you soon.

Pleased with my work, I bend to collect my stuff, but come up empty. Where my drinks were, is now a pair of dark shoes. Then legs. Then thick thighs and a trim waist. My eyes snap up to Bobby’s, which are barely a foot away, and I jump back, clutching at my heart. “Jesus, Bobby, you scared the crap outta me!”

He smirks and nods toward my phone. “Who you talking to?”

Jealous Bobby is adorable. It’s different to when Jimmy flirts with me. It’s like the younger brother gets a free pass, but whoever I’m smiling at through my phone has Bobby’s eyes twinkling in an entirely different way. Acting coy, I slide the cell into my pocket and shrug. “No one. Just a friend of mine, from way back.”

His eyes narrow. Jealous Bobby isn’t adorable. Jealous Bobby is sexy. “Did you want some more privacy, to speak to your…friend? Or will you be joining us now?”

I bite my tongue and enjoy the show. His muscles bunch, and his strong jaw ticks. “Actually, my friend will be here soon. You don’t mind I extended an invitation, right?”

If I live to see another day, I might learn that challenging a world champion fighter may not have been my smartest move. Not because I’m afraid of him, but because I could never compete with his competitive streak.

Bobby leans into me, all muscles and masculine scent. He showered while I was gone. Pressing me firmly against the wall of the gym, his hands are full of the drinks I brought, so he uses his chest to hold me in place. His face is within an inch of mine, his breath bathes my skin. “You should know by now, I’m very much…interested, in you. I’ve tried being gentle, I’ve been friend zoned for ages, I’ve triedeasingyou into it, so to speak.” My mind flashes with images of Bobbyeasinghimself into me. “I can be more assertive though, if you missed my intentions.” He gently bites my chin and sends my body into convulsions and mini orgasms. “But I’ll have you know, I don’t share.” Bite. “I’ll never share.” Another bite. “If you aren’t interested, tell me now and I’ll back off. No hard feelings, no awkwardness. I’ll keep training you if that’s what you want, and I’ll keep my hands to myself, even if that means chopping them the fuck off. But if you want me too, tell me and we’ll do something about it.”

My heart pounds with exhilaration. I know he can feel the thump-thump-thump against his own. “So, what is it, babe? Do you want me, too? Do I stand a chance, or will I walk back inside and let you wait for yourfriend?”

I can’t speak. I can’t think. My wits are a scrambled mess and every nerve ending in my body stops below the waist. I want him to press against me harder; I want him to bite me some more. Fucking hell, I want him to run his finger through the moisture pooling in my panties.



“Do you want me, too?” He pushes his hips forward until I gasp at the feel of his solid erection pressing against me. I’d give almost anything to take our clothes off right now and feel him skin on skin.

“Umm…” I struggle to speak past the lust choking me. “Uh-huh. Yeah, I do… want you…” My voice is a low throaty moan that I’ve never heard before, but it’s the right answer, because he leans forward and licks along the seam of my lips.
