Page 59 of Finding Home

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It’s Date Night

Fate was cruel to me today – and by fate, I mean my shitty best friend, Jon. That asshole knew what he was doing by changing around the class schedules, forcing me to take a junior class, and Kit into a group session.

Disappointment almost crushed me while he smirked and held up the schedules.“Trust me, B. I’m doing you a favor. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that shit.”

My foot presses heavier and the Rav moves faster as I turn onto her street at seven on the dot. Just as I promised – or more accurately,threatened– I won’t be late, and I especially won’t waste time. I have a few hours with the girl who’s eclipsed my every thought for two months – I’m not wasting this shit.

I’ve swapped out my training shorts and tank for a shower and fitted black shirt under an unbuttoned T-shirt, and my comfy black jeans with the ‘trendy’ fraying that they have these days. Black and white high tops and still wet hair, I pull into her driveway with a goofy grin and a racing heart.

The time has come.Finally!And though she hurt me more than I’ll ever admit when she almost called everything off last night, I try not to fixate on how easily she managed it. I don’t get feelings for girls. Not normally. But her almost break-up has left me reeling.

Make a good fucking impression, Bobby, because she’s a flight risk, and you might be a little in love with an emotionally unavailable chick.


I blatantly lied to her face today, and I’m not sure if I should be sorry, or just flat out embarrassed. I told her she doesn’t scare me; that’s the biggest load of shit to ever cross my lips. She’s theonlything in this world that scares me. Never has anyone had the kind of control over me that she has – orcouldhave, if only she cared to pull my strings. She’s not the type to purposely lead someone around, but if she did, I’d follow her anywhere she went.

I look over at Jimmy’s Jeep parked on the street, then back to the front door. Closed. He’s already gone in and made himself at home. He’s such an asshole.

I unfold from my car and walk up the front path, but before I can knock, Jim swings the door open with a wicked smirk. “Bobby…”

“Hey, thanks for meeting me here.” I step forward in anticipation of seeing Kit, but when he steps to the left and bars my way, my eyes narrow to slits.

What. The Fuck.

He lifts his chin in arrogant greeting. “How’s it going? Nice hair.”

“Get out of my way, Jim.”

“Not right now. You’re here to take my girl out on a date?”

My body jolts with shock. “Yourgirl? The fuck you talking about?”

He grins. “Yeah, you see,I’min this house right now, and as the man of the house, you need to get past me to get to her. What’s the magic word, pretty boy?”

I can’t do this. Not tonight. Any other time I’d probably find it funny – but not tonight. “Fuck off, Jim.” I push past him and slam my fist into his ribs on the way past. He folds over double and wheezes through laughter. “I’ll always be your big brother. Don’t fuck with me.” I turn around and walk backwards. “And don’t get in-between me andmygirl. Or I’ll beat the snot out of you.”

He laughs and wheezes as I spin back to the front. Walking through a home I’ve never been in before, I take in her private sanctum as I make my way to her kitchen.

Tink flutters down the stairs with a crazy grin, and Jack stops beside the fridge and cracks a can of soda open.


“Bobby,” he replies seriously.

Tink makes a beeline right for me, then stops with a grin as she grabs the lapels of my shirt and pulls me almost in half to kiss my cheek. “Well, hey there, handsome. You look positively scrumptious.”

Real men don’t blush, but she sure as shit nearly has me there. “Hey. It’s good to see a friendly face.”

“Aww. I’ll always be a friendly face… as long asshesmiles, I smile.”

And I intend to make her smile for a long ass time.

“Casey!” Kit’s screeching voice from upstairs has our group stretching our necks toward the stairs. Screeching or not, my heart still gallops at her voice.
