Page 60 of Finding Home

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Tink rolls her eyes playfully and shouts back, “What?”

“Come up here, I need help with something.”

“Can’t,” she smirks. “I’m greeting your sexy guest.”

“Bobby’s here? Shit.” Something heavy thuds on the floor above us, then, “Shit, shit, shit. Ouch,” and what must be hopping. “I’ll be down in a sec!”

“That’s okay!” Tink continues to shout. “I’ll keep him and his sexy brother company while we wait.”

Jimmy blows noisy kisses across the kitchen, but his smirk turns to a grimace when Kit screeches again, “Casey!”

“Coming. Jesus woman, don’t get your panties in a twist!” With a wicked smirk, she turns back to me and murmurs quietly, “Or maybe do. Then Bobby might help you untangle them. That’ll make everyone happier.”

She runs upstairs and leaves the three of us awkwardly hovering around the kitchen. Jimmy rummages through Kit’s fridge like he lives here, but Jack and I pretend that this isn’t awkward. His face is set in stony lines, his eyes equal parts angry, scared, and nauseous.

“What, Jack?” I can’t deal with his sick face. I can’t deal with not knowing. “What’s on your mind?”

“Umm, well,” he swallows nervously, “I wanted to talk to you.”

“So, talk.”

“Shit… fuck…” He rubs a hand across his face in frustration. Jimmy simply watches with a jerky stick hanging from his lips and a quizzical brow lifted. “I know our situation’s weird, mine and Kit’s, and I know you’re technically my… superior?” He rolls the word around in his mouth.


“Well–” he stops and looks to Jim, then back to me with a groan. “I just wanna know your intentions.” He bolsters his bravado and looks me square in the eye. “I wanna know that you’ll treat her well.”

Jim, being Jim, lets out a whoop of laughter and slaps Jack on the shoulder. “He’s asking if you’re gonna bump and run, B.”

I nod.Yeah, I got that much.“Alright Jim, fuck off.”

“What? No! I wanna watch.”

I wait until his laughing eyes meet mine. “Beat it. Jack and I have to talk.”

“But I wanna listen in.” He scowls when I don’t give in. “Fine, you’re both being too damn sensitive. Don’t talk too long, your periods might sync up.” He leaves the kitchen on a whine, then making himself at home, turns at the bottom of the stairs and stomps his way up.

Jack’s face burns red with humiliation, and though I don’t want to talk about it any more than he does, I run a hand through my hair and consider my words. He was brave enough to ask me straight up, so I’ll nut up and answer.

“You know what?” He lifts his hands in dismissal. “Just forget I said anything?”

“No, we won’t forget it. I respect your question, and I respect the fact that you asked me.” I take a step away to think, then back again to face him. “My intentions… Iintendto get to know your sister. I intend to pursue a friendship with her, and… hopefully, maybe something more.”

Jesus, this feels so much weirder than if it were a father asking about his daughter’s boyfriend. A dad thinks his little girl’s too good for anyone. A brother, a fifteen-year-old, thinks his sister’s gross and is weirded out by the prospect of anyone taking an interest. “Anyway, my intentions are honorable. I’ll never hurt her. I’ll treat her well. I want her to be happy, and I hope I’m able to be that for her…” I stop and look into his eyes. “I know calling me out on this was probably pretty fucking scary. I admire your protectiveness, Jack. I respect you for it.”

He stares in awkward silence for a long minute and shifts his weight from one foot to the other, then finally looking up, nods and bolts from the room.

Jesus, I need someone to acknowledge how fucking scary that was for me, too. I hope to never repeat the shit again.

Stomping at the top of the stairs sends waves of nerves and giddiness washing through my belly. Jimmy’s feet descend first, then the stupid grin still on his face. “I saw your girlfriend in her panties, B.”

I don’t get a chance to hit him before Casey follows close behind and swats him on the back of the head. “No, he didn’t.”

“Seriously I did,” he insists. “She’s wearing a black lacy thing with little kittens printed on.”

Tink rolls her eyes. “He’s lying, I promise. Ididsee her panties. No kittens.”

Once he gets to the bottom of the stairs, I walk forward and slam my fist down on his shoulder. “Don’t ever talk about Kit’s panties again, or I’ll knock you the fuck out.”
