Page 77 of Finding Home

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“So, like, today?” I ask.

“No, like two fucking months ago, woman. B? You can’t be okay with this?”

Bobby shrugs casually. “Eh, it’s okay. She knows who to come home to.” He kisses me on the temple and turns Jack’s insider-knowledge smile into a green-faced frown.

As if on cue, the doorbell rings, but before I get a chance to stand, Jimmy bolts from his chair and races for the door.

I shrug and help myself to more coffee. “So, pizza and X-Men tonight, Jack?”

“Ah, motherfuckers,” Jimmy laughs. He walks Michael through to the kitchen like a man being led down the aisle in front of a shotgun. “Bunch of smartasses.Thisis Kolby.”

With a shrug, Michael helps himself to a plate of pancakes and smothers them in butter and syrup. “Sup, guys?”

“So what’s happening tonight?” Jim asks quickly. “Pizza? I’ll bring dessert and porn.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea.” Casey laughs. “The dessert. Not the porn. I’ll bring drinks.” She stands and rinses her empty dishes and loads them in the dishwasher.

“Sweet.” Jack stands from the table and taps Michael on the shoulder. “Come on, man. I’m just gonna put my shoes on, then we can go.” He walks out of the kitchen, and Michael follows only two steps behind. I look to Jack’s dirty and abandoned dishes still on the table. Then the counter, at Michael’s now empty plate. “Jack. Michael! Get your asses back in here and deal with your dishes.”

The Kincaid guys jump, but used to it now, Casey just smirks.

The younger boys dash back into the kitchen with muttered apologies and fast hands as they clean away the mess.

“Shit, Bobby.” Jon laughs. “She’s scary.”

Bobby looks at me and smiles. “Yep. She’s pretty amazing…”

A few minutes later, Jack comes back to the kitchen with his shoes in his hands and a dark cap on his head. “We’re ready to go, Kit. Can you give us a lift, or will we ride our bikes?”

“It’s okay,” Bobby answers before I do. “We’ll drive you.”


“Yeah, we’re going to the gym now, anyway. Let’s go.” He stands and collects his dirty dishes. Taking my hand a moment later, he leads me to the living room as the younger guys race out the front door, and Jon and Casey hang back in the kitchen. “Thanks for a really great night,” I whisper. “I had a good time.”

Stepping forward and resting his hands on my cheeks, he bends low and presses his lips to mine. “Mmm, you’re welcome, babe. For all of it. I’ll see you again this afternoon. I’ll drop the boys back here.”

“Are you sure it’s fine? I can pick them up.”

“I promise, I’m happy to. I want to see you again. Plus, I’m coming over for pizza night, remember?”

I can’t even pretend to be mad that Jimmy muscled his way in to our evening. In fact, I’m thrilled. “Okay, well,” I kiss him again, slowly, deeply, “I’ll see you after.”

“I love you. Have a good morning.”

I sigh happily. “I love you, too.”

He drops his hands from my face and steps back. I meet Casey at the front door while Bobby pats my ass gently and makes his way out the door to the Rav.

Only halfway along the front path, he turns back and blocks the boys’ view with his back. “Oh hey, Tink.” Her eyes come up to his in curiosity. He holds his hands in front of his chest and opens them wider and wider until they’re about fifteen inches apart.

Jim guffaws. “Ha! He’s dreaming.” He raises his hand and opens his thumb and forefinger to barely half an inch. “I’ve seen it!”

* * *

I drag my feet and make my way downstairs on Monday morning. I have an epic weekend hangover, and I’m dreading the nine a.m. meeting with the school principal.

After the guys left for the gym Saturday morning, Casey and I fell on the couch in a fit of giggles like we were thirteen all over again. She told me she and Jon aren’t actually athing,and though she admits they’re both interested, neither of them are into committing. Casey’s a free spirit; she’s not promiscuous, but definitely flighty. Likewise, apparently Jon isn’t into the whole ‘dating his best friend’s girlfriend’s best friend’ thing. Though according to Case, they both had fun making out one time.
