Page 78 of Finding Home

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She might not see the way he watches her when they’re in the same room, or the way his body unconsciously turns in her direction when she’s near. Or how he protects her; he stands in front of her when needed, or behind when she’s feeling sassy. I worry she doesn’t see what I see, but I won’t meddle today. It’s all brand new and exciting, and I have my own brand new and exciting stuff going on, so I promised to leave her alone about it for now.

She hung around the house for an hour or so on Saturday morning, but after coffee, she had to run out again, though she promised to return for pizza and not-porn night.

I spent my Saturday working, as promised, then paying bills and running to the grocery store, so by the time everyone returned from the gym with wet hair and fresh clothes, the homemade pizza was done, and Jimmy was ready to propose marriage.

On Sunday, I had to catch up on housework, but I was dragging ass, since Michael and Jack were noisy most of the night playing PlayStation. Thankfully, they were also dragging, so I exacted revenge by putting them to work.

Bobby arrived at my house when the boys were outside; Jack on the mower and Michael trimming the edges, and I was in the kitchen making iced lemonade for when they finished.

He walked in looking all‘oh I just threw this on’sexy, in his usual workout shorts and a muscle tank, and as though he knew we only had a matter of minutes before the boys came in, he wasted no time by boosting me onto to the counter and taking my mouth with his.

His erection rested against my thighs, and my mouth watered at the thought of what we could be doing right now if we were completely alone. He leaned in and took my mouth like a starving man. His hands, still beneath my ass, squeezed and kneaded and molded to the shape of whatever he desired. His tongue warred with mine, though I met him, equals in want. He groaned into my mouth and pulled back. “Jesus babe, I want you so much.” He pressed another kiss to my lips. “I missed you last night.”

“I missed you, too.”

“You look pretty today,” he added with another kiss.

“I have dirty hair and no makeup. I look kinda crap, but thanks anyway.”

“Nope, you look beautiful, like always. So fucking beautiful.”

He couldn’t stick around for long, since he and his brothers had plans to help at his mom’s house. He asked me to come along, but I had a lot of work to do myself, plus, you know, meeting his mom. Scary as hell. That was a hard no from me.

Now it’s Monday morning, and Jack and I have that stupid friggin meeting with the school. I slip my heels on in the kitchen and pour my second coffee of the day – the first was inhaled while in the shower.

Jack steps in with a pale face and jittery eyes. He’s freaking out.

“Hey, it’ll be okay. I’ll take care of it.”

“Am I going to be inmoretrouble after this? From you?”

I sip my coffee with faux casualness. “Is there anything I don’t know yet?”

“No, but still. Mr. Reeves isn’t happy with me.”

“Well, that’s okay. I’m not very happy with him, either. Don’t worry about it. Eat some breakfast, we’ll be leaving soon.”

An hour later, we’re shown into the principal’s office by a plump older receptionist. “Jus’ take a seat. Mr. Reeves will be with you shortly. Can I offer you some coffee? Or water?”

I intend to politely decline, but don’t get the chance before Reeves walks in and snaps at the poor older woman. “That won’t be necessary. Go back to your desk, Mary.”

She flees the office as he strides to his desk. Sitting in his fancy leather chair, he assumes the power position and looks down his nose at us.

Alright, so that’s how this is going to go.

“Ms. Reilly. Let’s cut to the chase. I’m a busy man, and I have neither the time nor the patience for this meeting. You’re barely an adult yourself,”I’m almost twenty-five, asshole,“yet you have responsibility for this child. So far, you’ve let him run wild, and now he’s getting into fights in my school.”

I sit up tall. “Wait, hold up a sec–”

“No. You wait up a second, young lady. We all know why you’re here, we know why he’s in trouble. Frankly, I feel a few days away weren’t nearly enough, considering his transgressions, but since it was a first offense, I had to follow protocol.” He looks square into Jack’s scared eyes. “But the beauty of a first warning is that there’s only ever one. After this, I’ll be coming down hard on you, son. The next time you act out, the next sneeze, the next fight, you’ll be expelled.”

I surge forward. “Expelled? That’s not fair!”

He turns to me as though I were an annoying fly he’s sick of swatting. “No, what’s not fair is the other students who are trying to get an education, but it’s continually interrupted by the likes of him.”

“The likes of…”What the fuck?

“I know about your father, Catherine, you have my sympathies, you truly do, but we both know where this is going. I always had such high hopes for you when you studied here; you exceeded every expectation I had for someone of your…lineage.” He chews on the word as though it were tacky. “But the fact remains, you’re a young woman who must house and clothe an unruly teenaged delinquent. My best hope for you is that he doesn’t disrupt your life for too long, and when he decides school is no longer for him, that he moves on and hasn’t caused you or your promising career too much trouble.”
