Page 98 of Finding Home

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“I know, and now I take it back.” His eyes come to mine. “It was a terrible idea, baby. This whole training idea, terrible. I wasn’t thinking with my brain, I was thinking with my dick. I was trying to get you into the gym so I could see your booty shorts, but now I’ve got you.” His eyes go back to the road. “Which means gym time is over.”

I roll my eyes. “Now you know how your poor mother probably feels watching you guys fight.”

He chuckles softly as we enter the town proper. “That’s true. She hates it. Especially when Jimmy fights. He’s her stupid pudge faced baby, after all.” He scoffs. “Actually, yeah, I see it. He’s still a fat baby.”

I laugh as we drive, but Bobby’s post-sex good mood suddenly takes a nose dive into nervousness.

I can feel his nerves in the air, which sends my pulse skittering. I’ve received bad news enough in my life that my body now has a built-in defense mechanism. “What’s wrong? Band-Aid, remember?”

He swallows and sends his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Umm…”

“Just rip it off, Bobby.”

“I want you to meet my mom,” he blurts out. He turns and clasps my hand in his to stop me from running away. “It would mean a lot to me if you met.”

I’d really rather not. “What if she doesn’t like me?”

“She will, baby. She already does.” He links his fingers with mine. “Jimmy doesn’t shut up about you when he’s over there. I swear. He brags to Mom, because heknowsshe’ll bust my balls until I bring you over. I’ve held her back for weeks, but moving in together almost got me grounded.”

My eyes snap to his in dread. “She doesn’t want us to live together?”

“No, it’s not that,” he laughs. “She just wants to meet you. She’s curious as hell about the girl who got me all obsessed and shit. I even told her no to dinner the last couple times because you cooked. I get all caveman when you cook and serve me.”

He insists on trying to be funny, but I can’t swallow past the irrational lump in my throat. “Should I be scared? Nervous? Will she aim for my jugular as soon as you go to the bathroom?”

“No, baby. She’s really awesome, I promise. She loves you.”

I scoff and look out to the tree lined street as we pass.

“Seriously. She knows a happy kid when she sees one, and I’ve never been happier than I am now.” He brings my hand to his lips and drops a kiss on the knuckles. “You have to trust me on this.”

My experiences with moms are what you’d call sub-par. I’m terrified to meet this new one. What if she hates me? What if she’s horribly mean as soon as he steps away? What if I make an idiot of myself and she decides her son could do better? I want to say no. I want to put it off for another ten years or so, but his chocolate eyes flick between mine and the road.


I sigh and look back to the trees. “Okay. But don’t leave us alone, okay?”

“I promise, baby. Not for a single second.”
