Page 34 of Finding Victory

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Changing gears from worrying about Iz to worry about him, I frown. “Are you okay? You’ve been kinda pissy lately. And you didn’t tease Jack about falling on his ass yet. You’re normally on that shit like white on rice.”

He shrugs and leans on the ropes. “We all fall in training. No big deal. I’m fine. What’s up?”

I draw in a deep breath. “I wanted to run something by you. I need…”An opinion? Advice? An ass pat?“…help.”

He shakes off his mood and narrows his eyes. “What do you need? I’ve gotcha back.”

I shrug and look at the ground. I feel stupid. I’m worried about the girls, but seeing as I have no clue what’s going on, I have nothing to actually talk to him about. “I dunno.”

He forces a laugh and steps closer. “You wanna chit-chat? We can paint each other’s nails. Is Kitten mad at you about something? Because I don’t think I can fix that.” He shrugs. “Plus, I don’t think I wanna help. If you break up, maybe she’ll marry me, instead.”

I roll my eyes. “Funny. Asshole. I just mean…” Again, I trail off. Izzy’s got me all messed up. “I honestly don’t know where to start.”

His face turns serious. “Alright, spit it out, B. What’s up?”

“I’m worried about the girls.” There. Spat. Deep breath, since I know he’ll assume I’m talking about Kit. “Izzy in particular.”

In a single heartbeat, his sympathetic eyes turn fiery. “What about her? Is she okay?”

“Yeah, I dunno. I don’t really know anything at the moment.” I fucked up already. The fire in his eyes says I fucked up. I should’ve brought this to Aiden. “All I know is she slept at my house last night, and before that, I know she and Kit were both crying.”


I nod and meet Jack’s eyes. He didn’t know that bit yet. Turning back to Jim, I add, “Kit promised that she’s okay, so that only leaves Tink or Izzy… and I don’t think it’s Tink.”

“She was crying last night…” His voice is gravelly. “How was she this morning?”

“Quiet. Thoughtful. Not hungry.”

“She was lying this morning,” Jack chimes in. “You know she was lying, right?”

I nod and glance at my still silent phone. “Yeah, I know. She’s a shitty liar. It hardly counts as a lie when they’re both so shitty at it.”

“What was she lying about?” Jim asks.

“She said they were going shopping.” I shrug. “That was the lie. I don’t know where they actually are, but all three girls are together somewhere.”

“They’re safe?”

“Yeah. Kit’s sending her texts. They’re fine. But theyaren’tshopping.”

Jimmy goes back to silently prowling, and Jack simply sits in his corner and picks at the label on his water.

“Do you think we should corner Iz?” I suggest. “Make her talk?” It’s not very noble, but the worry is killing me. We’re a stronger team if we stick together, and we can’t help her if she doesn’t let us in.

“I don’t know, maybe,” he murmurs. “Probably. She’s a stubborn ass, so she won’t tell us on her own.”

“You don’t have to corner me, you douches. You could just ask. It’s easy. A simple‘Hey, Iz. I’m sorry I’ve been a moody prick lately, but I’m worried about you. Wanna chat?’”Hands on her hips, scowl on her face, Iz pins my brother with a glare. “It’s really that simple, but seeing as you haven’t said hey to me in ages, you wouldn’t know, would you?”

“Fuck,” Jack mumbles. Kit and Tink stand on Iz’s flanks with similar expressions. “We’re dead.”

“Bu–” Jim bites off his word and stops at the ropes. “Izzy, we just wanna make sure you’re okay.”

“Well, I’m fine,” she snaps. Just like Jim’s mood swings, in a heartbeat, she swings from anger to uncertainty. “Can we have family dinner tonight? I wanna talk to you guys about something.” She takes a deep breath. “Please.”

“Sure. We’re done here.” I look between Iz’s eyes and Kit’s. “We were finishing up, anyway. Let’s go home and order dinner.”

The worried Kit from earlier now stands with a soft smile on her lips. Gone is the dread and secrecy, and in its place is a gentle acceptance.
