Page 42 of Finding Victory

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Life As We Know It…

Holy shit.

My head’s spinning. It’s like I’m reading a book, but some fucker just came in and tore away a chunk from the middle. I feel like I’m missing half of Izzy’s story. “What the fuck just happened, baby?”

About four hours after the girls dropped the bomb on us, we got everyone out, Jack to his room, Iz to the guest bedroom, and now I finally have a chance to just sit.

I think I’m literally in shock.

“Izzy’s pregnant.” Kit smirks at the mirror and watches me in the reflection. “How are you coping?”

“I just…” I rub the heels of my hands against my eyes. “I can’t even process.”

She smiles sympathetically. “I’ve had about twenty-four hours more than you to process. It grows on you eventually.” She drops her comb on the top of her dresser and walks toward me minus the smile from a moment ago. “Listen, Bobby. I’m really sorry I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t want to keep secrets from you…”

“It’s okay, babe.” I pull her into my lap and press a kiss to her hair. “I understand why you had to. I appreciate you looking after my sister when she was scared.”

“She’s my sister now, too. And she was so scared, Bobby. I’ve never seen her like that.” She runs her finger across my shirt and blindly traces the ink beneath. “You took it a million times better than I expected.”

“Yeah, well, I guess I was sort of prepared.” I stroke her hair and finger the blonde locks. “I didn’t know the details. Shit, I had no clue it would be as bad as it is, but still, I knew something was coming. You girls can’t lie for shit, so at least I had time to prepare, and since I knew Jon was going to lose his shit, I kinda promised myself I wouldn’t.” I frown and imagine my little sister growing big with a baby. “She’ll be okay, though, right? This isn’t just a small deal.”

“She’ll be okay. We’ll make sure of it. Actually…” Her eyes come up to meet mine. “I was thinking maybe we could move her into the guest room permanently. Or into your old house. She needs to find something permanent, and floating between everyone’s house isn’t it.”

I nod and bring her face back to my chest. “I’d love for her to stay here awhile. I’m not ready for her to go.” When Kit laughs, I amend, “But she’ll probably prefer moving into the house on her own. The chicks in my life seem to prefer independence.”

“Oh, the tragedy,” she mocks. “Maybe we can convince her to stay here for the first few months. We can help her settle in, get her over that newborn stage. You know, just… help.”

I nod and work to blink away the images she puts into my mind. Izzy pregnant. Izzy with a baby. “Yeah, we’ll help.”

“We saw the baby.” I swear, I can feel her smile in the air. “We heard his heartbeat and saw this tiny little jellybean squirming around. It might have been the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Turning serious, she lets out a deep sigh. “Do you think Jimmy will be okay? He took off pretty fast.”

“Yeah. I texted him while you were getting Iz settled in. He’s… okay. I’ll go see him in the morning.” I shake my head. “I don’t get it. Not only does she drop the pregnancy bomb tonight, but she and Jim? What the fuck?”

She laughs. “I swear, you guys must be blind. I’ve known since the day I met her.”

“You have not!”

“Yes, I have,” she counters. “It was so obvious, I’m disgusted you didn’t figure it out. I’m pretty sure your mom knows too, in case you were wondering. She literally teased him about it–”

“Yeah, but–”

“In. Front. Of. You. Guys.” She laughs. “She legit waved it in front of your eyes over dinner, but nothing. You still didn’t see it.” She shakes her head. “Blind.”

“Fuck. I swear, I had no clue. I’ve spent the last few hours replaying our lives with these new, clearer lenses. I see Jim and Iz together. They were always together. But I can’t see Jim and Iztogether.”

“Well, they’re not actually together. But they belong together.” She looks up and pokes my chest. “So unobservant, Kincaid.”

“Right. Come here.” I’m done looking like a fool for tonight, so I pick her up off my lap, spin us and pin her giggling body beneath me. “I know you had plans with the girls tonight, but now that you’re staying here, this is called bonus round sex.” I press my hardened cock between her legs and watch her eyes darken. “Bonus round sex is the best kind. It’s dirtier, harder.” I lean down and bite her bottom lip. “Rougher, ‘cause it’s borrowed time. Can’t waste it.”

“Tell me more,” she purrs in a half giggle, half whimper. “I might like rough.” My cock pulses at her dirty words. “All this time, you threaten to spank me, but you never actually follow through.”

And now all I see in my mind is fucking her from behind and leaving red handprints all over her ass. Sitting back on my haunches, I slowly undo her cutoffs and slide the denim down her long, tan legs.

I leave her underwear in place, because I love watching the moisture dampen her boyleg panties. I don’t need lace and lingerie. Boyleg cotton works just fine as long as it’s Kit wearing them.
