Page 101 of Finding Forever

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“Did you sleep last night?” I spin back around and surprise him, since he’s up my ass.


“Like, did you actually close your eyes and rest in your bed?”


“Well, I didn’t. So fuck you. Fuck off. Fuck all of you. I’m here now, so let’s go. Now we’re waiting onyou.”

I turn and slam my palm down onto the gate security panel. Entering the code that the real estate agent gave us, I wait for the green light to flash and let us in.

I don’t even know why we’re here. Bobby’s been looking at this place for weeks. He did a walk through while my girls were still in the hospital, but because I build houses during the day, he figures I have some magical x-ray vision or some shit that’ll let me see termites or shitty beams through the plaster.

This dude fought and won a title championship just months ago. After it was all said and done, he walked away with just shy of sixty million dollars to top up his already cushioned bank account. Just buy the fucking houses! Buy them, bulldoze them, plop a steel fortress on top.

Voila, no termites, no shitty beams.

He’ll still have change left over.

As soon as the gate slides open enough to squeeze through, I walk forward and leave the clueless guys staring at my back. I get barely ten feet before Bobby swings me back around. “I’m sorry. I was just playing.”

“Yeah, no worries. Let me go.”

“No, seriously. I’m sorry. Can we help?”

“No. You can’t. I just need Bean to sleep tonight.”

“We can come over and sit with her while you and Iz sleep?”

“Separately,” Jon adds on a huff.

As one, four sets of eyes turn to Jon.


“Separately,” he clarifies. “When they sleepseparately.”

Jack snorts and takes half a dozenbigsteps back.

“No.” Bobby steps between us. “No pissing matches today. Let it go, Jon.”

I turn away, only to swing back around when Jon grabs me. “I’m not even kidding. I know your situation is…unique.But that’s still my baby sister. If you fuck her over, I’ll fuck you over.”

“Jesus, big bubba. Back up.”

“When will you do the right thing, Jim? When are you marrying her?”

“Whoa up.” Bobby pushes him back. “You can’t force my little brother into a marriage if that’s not what he wants.”

Aiden and Jack take another couple steps back. It’s going down.

“But you’ll force my baby sister to live with a man who won’t marry her?”

“What the fuck is the matter with you?” I step in and push back. “She’s only been out of hospital for a week. Fuck you for making out like I knocked her up but refuse to marry her. I asked her, Jon. I already asked. Jesus. Give us some time.”

“More time… You want more time? You’ve known her your whole life, asshole.” I lock my arms in tight when he shoves me back. I don’t want to hit my brother today. But it’s coming. “You figure you can keep her to the side until she’s able to put out again? No wedding means no commitment. You can fuck around until it’s official.”
