Page 102 of Finding Forever

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“What the fuck?”

“I see the girls fawning over you, pretty boy. But I’ll tell you what, shit’s serious now. You have my sisterandLucy’s hearts to take care of. If you break them, I’ll break you.”

Jon and I stand chest to chest, and yet, Bobby manages to squeeze his broad two-hundred and forty pounds between us. “Where the hell is this coming from?”

“I saw Belle this morning,” he spits angrily. “She was asking about you. Like usual.” He glares like what she does is my fault. “She told me about your date the other night. She told me she got to spend an‘enjoyable evening’with you. Was my sister at home with the baby while you were with Belle, you fucking asshole?”


“Did you fuck Belle just to take the edge off? Just one time, no wedding yet, so it doesn’t count.”

“Jon!” Bobby pushes his seething best friend back. “Stop your bullshit.”

“I wasn’t with Belle!”


“I mean, I was with her last week. Before the baby came–”

“Oh, so now the truth comes out. Did you fuck her because my sister wouldn’t have you? Because she picked another man?”

“Jon! That’s enough.” Rushing forward, Aiden grabs his arm and pulls him back. Jon’s fucking pissed, and even with Bobby and Aiden holding him back, he gets loose. He’s a bull on a rampage, and I’m his red flag.

He hit his target, though.

She did choose another man, even if it was just once.

“Hey, asshole!” My muscles bunch and my heart breaks. She chose someone else, but she’s choosing me now, and he shouldn’t be allowed to ruin that for me. “I’ll give you some truth, you fucking dick. I’m a virgin, okay?” I slam my fists into his chest. “I’ve been waiting for her, for your damn sister, this whole time. I haven’t been fucking around. I’ve never fucked around. I waited! I waited, and you’re not allowed to make out that I did anything that wasn’t with her best interests at heart.” I shove him back another step. He’s in shock, so he simply goes. “I watched on as she dated pricks. I held her ring in my pocket, and I waited! I’ll be pushing her down the aisle just as soon as she lets me, but hey, I’m sorry if that timing doesn’t work foryou!”I thump his chest. “I figured I’d allow the poor thing time to heal and stop walking funny before I pressured her into marriage. You know, it’s the gentlemanly thing to do.”

Fuck him for making me feel like I’ve done something wrong. Everything I’veeverdone was to make her life better. “Fuck you, Jon. I know she’s your sister, but I thought you and I were brothers, too. I thought you loved me, too, and I thought you knew I was a decent guy. I figured if no one else in this world got your approval, I hoped just maybe you’d consider me worthy. You believe the public image; the party boy man whore. It’s funny that people think that about me, considering I’m still a bitch virgin and Jack’s already lapping me.”

I push away from them and walk into the estate that we’ll soon call home. I stomp through the gardens and hope that I can crush some asshole’s flowers as I go.

Jack spits out swear after swear behind me; I know I just threw him under the bus, brothers don’t do that, but I need someone else to feel a little pain. I need someone to share the load, because I’m so damn tired.

I’m tired of everything. Why me? Why does my life always need to be so damn hard? I got the girl, Ifinallygot the girl, and now I’m losing my brother?

I walk up to the front porch of the first house and through the front door. “Yep, looks fine,” I shout to no one, then I spin on my heel and walk out again. Fuck them all. I hope termites collapse their pretty little houses while Jon’s standing inside.

I don’t want him to die, but a broken arm would be perfectly acceptable.

I walk along the path, because the gardens are obviously manicured and I already feel bad for stomping on the daisies, and trudge to the next house.

“Jim, wait.”

“Nope.” I walk past Bobby and move to the next house. I don’t know why I keep moving. I’m not inspecting them properly. I’m just moving on mania and rage and maybe a little hysteria.

But hey, fuck it all.

“Jim.” Aiden grabs my arm, but I snatch it back and keep moving. I stomp up to the next door, unlock, and throw it wide open.Oh look, a winding staircase. Fancy as fuck.

“Yep, looks pretty. The princess will like this one.”

I move out and keep going. One house to the next, I consider running Jon the fuck over as he stands at the end of the path and in my way, but instead, I silently apologize and step across the garden. On my way past, I flip the bird and hold my finger barely half a foot from his face.

Fuck him!

I walk into the next yard and turn to walk up the steps to the porch, but with the sound of crunching grass, a grunt as Jon pushes off the ground, and then a bitch squeak when I get tackled, I find myself flying face first into the icy lawn and the breath robbed from my body as we slam down.
