Page 104 of Finding Forever

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He smirks. “Seems that way, huh?”

“It’s definitely that way, bitch.”

His breath whistles through a shattered nose.Suck a dick, Jon Hart. Now you’ve gotta snap that bitch back into place.“You should know, I give my blessing anyway. You don’t want it, you don’t need it. But I’m giving it, anyway.”

“Fuck you! I’m gonna–” I pause. “What?”

He laughs. “You’re right. You’re the best man for the job. You’ve been the best man for the job all along. I’m sorry I implied otherwise. You’re an asshole, James, but you’re a good fucking man. My sister’s lucky to have you.”

“No.” And there it is, the fight has left my body. I couldn’t throw another punch to save my life. I’m done. I’m out. “No. I’m the lucky one. She’s all I’ve ever wanted, Jon. And not only do I get her, but I get Bean, too. All of my dreams have come true, and now I get to hold them both as they sleep each night.”

He scowls. “We won’t be discussing that.”

“Except last night,” Jack snorts, then stops on a groan as blood sprinkles down over my arm. “Ow, fuck!”

I stretch my neck to get a look. “What the fuck happened to you?”

His face is covered in blood, his hands gingerly covering his nose.

“You elbowed him,” Bobby snaps. “You fucking asshole. Look what you did!” Bobby is pissed. More pissed than I’ve ever seen him in my life. “You’ll die for that, asshole.”

“What do you mean? I didn’t touch him–”

“Yes, you did! During your roid rage mania, he tried to pull you off Jon, and in exchange, you elbowed him.”

Noooo. “Fuck, Jack.” I scramble away from Jon and climb to my feet. “I’m so fucking sorry. Are you sure it was me?”

I just can’t process–

I couldn’t have–

I would know–

I would’ve felt it!

“Yeah, you were the only idiot throwing haymakers on the lawn.”

“Oh my God, Jack. I’m so fucking sorry.”

“You damn well will be,” Bobby snaps angrily. “You’re an asshole.”

“Why are you so mad? I didn’t touch you.”

“No, but Kit’s gonna beat me to shit when I bring her kid brother home like that.”

As a group, we watch our lives flash before our eyes. “Shiiiiiit.”

We’re all dead meat, because we’re all guilty by association. I’mextradead, because I hit him, but the result’s still the same at the end of the day; we’re all dead.

“Well.” I shrug my shoulders in fake nonchalance. “I’m never going back to your place. Let’s check these houses out, then I’m taking my girls to Barbados for the next thirty years.” I turn away from the blood and bone cartilage littered on the lawn and step onto the porch. “I want this one. Then I’ll always be able to remember that time I broke Jon’s face in my yard.”
