Page 106 of Finding Forever

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“Baby, you need to relax–”

And then Bobby jumped in after him.

Dumbass. Dumbasses everywhere.

“Where were you when your brother was beating on my brother?”

Bobby takes a wary step back at the cruelty in her voice. “What’s with theyourbrother,mybrother stuff? I thought we were all family?”

“Wewere. Untilyourbrother beatmineup.”

“He didn’t beat on me–”

Kit turns back to Jack and snaps his jaw around. “Who hit you?”

Smiling, he puts the last nail in Jim’s coffin. “It was Jim.”

“Oh God.” He shrinks back.

She turns to Jon. “Who hit you?”

He smiles wide, despite the blood dripping over his lip. “Jim.”

“Now, just wait a–” When Kit snarls, he turns to me. “Quick. Give me Bean.” He doesn’t give me time to object. He snatches the still sleeping baby and holds her against his chest.

I snort. He’s using her as a shield.

“Okay. Alright.” He takes a dramatic breath. “Everyone just needs to calm down. It was just an accident, I swear.”

“Your knuckles are torn up! How many times did youaccidentallyhit my kid brother?”

“No, my knuckles are fromhisface.” He nods toward Jon. “I hit him on purpose. He’s an asshole.” He turns to Jack. “Jack’s was an accident.” His lips pull up into a lopsided grin. “But I have good news!”

Bobby cocks his head to the side. “You do?”

“Yeah? Well you can take your good news and shove it up your asshole,” Kit snaps. “Then you can go ahead and suck a dirty dick, because I’m really mad at you.”

Scandalized, Bobby’s eyes flare wide. “Catherine Kincaid!”

I forget sometimes that he thinks she’s an angel. She’s not. She’s a total pig, but she has him fooled.

“Nope. I’m mad at you, too, Robert–with the mommy issues–Kincaid. You let this happen!”

“But baby! I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Aiden’s eyes narrow in thought. “What about Mom?”

“You guys need to fix those broken noses, then next time you want to have a girl fight, wear gloves,andinvite us along, so we can show you how it’s really done.” She turns to storm from the room, because what’s a rant without a flounce? But Jim bounces forward and swings her around. “Don’t touch me,” she seethes. “I’m afraid you might break my nose.”

He snorts. “Don’t be dumb, cry baby. They’re fine, look, they’re smiling.” He gestures toward the smiling idiots. “But I really do have good news. I need you here for it.”

When she only glares, he takes that as permission to go on. “Alright. Here, hold my baby.” He smiles his patent panty dropper smile and presses Bean against her chest in a deliberate move to soften her up.

It works immediately.

Turning to me, he takes my hands in his. His are still bleeding, but we’re Rollers. This is my life. “I have a super important question for you.”

I frown. “Okay…”
