Page 110 of Finding Forever

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Meeting Tina

“What on earth happened to you boys?”

Mom walks in on Bobby’s arm and scowls when she realizes half our lineup wears broken faces and black eyes.

My lip turns up at the side. I fucking love today.

“He hit me!” Jack whines. “You raised a monster.”

Mom steps forward and takes the con artist in a hug. Kit thinks he’s a kid who needs protection. Not even close. “Are you okay, honey? Look at your poor handsome face.” She spins as dangerously as Kit. “James!” He shrinks back the way he did when he was eight years old and broke her favorite vase. The genius tried hiding the pieces under his bed. “You hit him? What’s the matter with you?”

“He hit me, too, Mama.” Jon steps into her side as soon as she releases Jack. “He hurt me real bad.”

“James! Why are you hitting everybody?”

“Because he pushed me over!”

“Robert!” Mom turns to the oldest. I feel like we’re kids again. “Where were you while your brother was attacking everyone?”

“I was watching.”

“You were watching?” She smacks his chest. “You’re the oldest, you should know better.”

“What about Aiden? He was there, too!”

I roll my eyes. I’m immune. I’ve never, not once, given Mom a reason to shout at me.

I’m an angel in a house of devils.

“Aiden was probably trying to help,” she reasons. “He’s sensible. He would’ve helped if he could.”

The front doors bang open and have our group spinning for the next attack. Tink sprints forward without a single worry for her delicate ankles in five-inch heels. “Aiden!” She tosses her phone wildly. “Take this.”

I shoot my hands up and catch the missile barely an inch before it has me matching my brothers with the bruised faces. “What do you want me to do?”

“Tina wants to watch!” She bolts out the door as fast as she came in.

Well shit.

I turn the phone over warily. I’ve still not met the mysterious Tina, and meeting via FaceTime could feel a little… strange, but the face that beams out at me is a million times cooler. “Hi, Biggie!”

I have a crush on an almost three-year-old. “Hey, Smalls. Whatchya doin?”


I chuckle. “You’re working?”

“Yep, we’re working and we’re watching Wizzy be the princess.”

The guys crowd around the phone as we chat. “Wizzyisthe princess,” I agree. “Just like Kitkat.” She nods enthusiastically. “Where’s your mama, baby girl? Does she know you’re on the phone?”

Nodding, I lose half her face as she moves away from the camera. “Uh-huh. She’s taking pictures.” She giggles and whispers, “He’s not wearing a shirt. Wanna see?”

“No!” I laugh as the phone starts to turn. “No, baby. We don’t wanna see. Here comes Kitty, are you ready for the princesses?”
