Page 112 of Finding Forever

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She snickers. “I know the road was bumpy, I know we both hurt,” she looks to my mom. Or more accurately, to Bean, “but I’m so happy I get to share Bean with you. We both love you, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life fighting with you about dumb shit.”

Jim’s chest is puffed so big, he’s in danger of popping. “Forever.”

She nods. “Forever.”

“Alright. Please repeat after me.” The officiant looks down to a book in his hands. “James Michael Kincaid, do you take Isabelle Hart to be your lawfully wedded wife?” He recites poems about friendship and love and forever. He mentions trust and honor, faithfulness and truth. “And if you should ever doubt you partner, do you promise to remember the love you have for her today? Do you promise to remember the reasons you came together on this day?”

Taking a gold band from his pocket and shakily sliding it onto Iz’s small hand, Jim stares straight into her eyes and says, “I do.”

“Isabelle Hart.” Turning as one, we watch Izzy listen and repeat, we watch her hands shake, but her eyes remain sure. She promises Jim everything he promised to her, but more.

She promises her daughter.

She promises a lifetime of compromise and mutual trust in raisingtheirdaughter.

She promises to take his side when Bean is six and getting too friendly with the local boys.

And when she’s done, the officiant asks, “And if you should doubt, do you promise to remember your reasons for coming together today?”

Taking a silver band from Kit, Iz turns back with a confident smile, and at Jim’s shocked glance, she smirks. “I ordered this online that first night in the hospital, when you slept for eighteen hours. I measured your finger,” she slides it on triumphantly. “And I nailed it.”

Tink coughs obnoxiously. “Stalker.”

Despite everyone else’s laughter, with serious eyes, he takes her chin in his hand. “Say the words, Bubs. Finish it.”

She nods. “I do. I promise.”

“Alright, then.” Clearing his throat for the big finale, the officiant has electricity crackling in the air. “With the power vested in me in this great state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. James…” He adds an obnoxiously long pause just to make my brother squirm. “You may kiss your bride.”

Like a rabid animal, Jim has everyone turning away while he devours Iz’s face indecently. Evie’s wild giggles ring through the phone, but when an ‘Ouch! Oopsie, Evie, Mama said–’ and then silence, I turn the phone to find a blank screen.


Instantly, the cell vibrates with a regular voice call. Tina’s name flashes, so I answer it while Jim continues to anger his brand-new brother-in-law. “Hello?”

“Hey, sorry! Evie hung up by accident. She got a little excited.”

“That’s alright, you got to watch all the good stuff, right?”

“Yeah, we did,” she laughs softly. I frown when my stomach tightens at the throaty sound. “Trust Jimmy to eat her face like that.”

I laugh. “Right? The only person surprised is Jon.”

Her breathing is sexy. I’m a fucking freak. “It was a beautiful ceremony.”

“Yeah, it was.” I reach up and scratch the back of my neck nervously. “Hey, uh, I’m Aiden, by the way.” I feel like an idiot, since everyone’s been friends for months, but I’d feel like a tool if I didn’t actually introduce myself.

“Yeah, hey, I’ve heard of the third Kincaid brother. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise. I should let you know, I adore your daughter.”

She laughs and has my stomach jumping. I’m pathetic. Pretty voice on the other end of the phone, and I’m already thinking about… bad things.

“Yeah, me too. Ah, anyway, I have a nearly naked man here waiting for me to document his six pack, so I gotta go.”

I chuckle outwardly, but inside, I’m tempted to go there and escort that fucker out. He doesn’t deserve to be holed up with her and Evie. I don’t even know who he is, but he shouldn’t be there. “Alright, well, have fun with that.” I cough awkwardly. “Wait… before you go, you didn’t tell me your name.”

Obviously, I know it, but I want to hear her say it. I want to keep her on the phone for a minute longer.

“My name’s…” She pauses thoughtfully. “Tina. It’s Tina.”

When I say nothing, no comebacks, no ‘that’s such a pretty name’ lines – nothing – she simply clears her throat. “Okay. Bye, Aiden.”

“Yeah… Goodbye, Tina.”

After she hangs up, I stare at the darkened screen until Izzy’s laughter breaks through my stupor.

She’s so happy. So young. So married.

Thinking of them automatically has me barking out a laugh at Jim’s expense. I wonder if Iz knows about his…puritystatus?
