Page 129 of Finding Forever

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He grins playfully and shakes water from the plastic tubes.

“But it’ll be cool to live so close to everyone.”

“Yeah, and it’s safe, too. The security system is pretty fancy. No one gets in without us knowing.”

I stop and frown. “You really think that’s necessary?”

He shrugs and turns to wipe his hands on the crisp white towel. “Doesn’t matter if I think it’s necessary. It’s there, and if we ever need it, well, it’ll already be rolling. Offense over defense, you know? I have a wife and daughter to keep safe now, and after what happened to Kit, I’d rather have it than not. And if we never need it, it’ll still be cool to live close to each other.”

“Do you think Tink will move in with Jon?”

We laugh and work companionably as I pack the plastic parts away.

“Jon and Tink have serious issues.”

“They do.” I accept the towel to dry my hands. “I swear, everyone would be happier if they just stopped dancing around each other.”

I watch with tingles bubbling low in my belly as Jim flips the shower on and has steam rising almost immediately. My heart swells with anticipation. A good, hot, high pressure shower stream is right up there with life’s basic necessities.

Standing at the door, Jim turns back to me with a heated gaze. “Would you like to join me, Mrs. Kincaid?” When I hesitate for the barest second, his brows pull in tight. “Are you sore?”



I step closer until my now softened boobs brush along his arm. “Promise. Maybe you should try again.”

I squeal as his strong arms swing me up until my back slams against the steam warmed tiles. Breath bursts from my lungs and my legs wrap around his hips. “It’s so sexy when you manhandle me like that.” I breathe heavily between biting kisses. His large hands caress my ass, his teeth mark my lips, and his dick teases my most sensitive areas.

Foreplay be damned, I’m ready for him now.

“Rough is sexy? Really?”

“So fucking hot.” I nibble along his lips and crunch down until he hisses. “Hurts. But feels good, right?”

Dilated eyes and hungry hands, he goes to work nibbling along my collarbone. “My wife likes it rough.” His breath is noisy as he tastes. “Happy birthday to me, Bubs.”


He slaps my ass so suddenly, the crack echoes through the bathroom, followed only half a second later by my excited yelp. “Yeah. You have no clue what I’m gonna do to your body.” He bites down on my shoulder. “What I’ve wanted to do for a long ass time.” His eyes come up to mine. “You’ll like it. Promise.”

“Mmm.” I pull his face forward until our lips clash. Forget my shoulders, I want him up here, I want to taste him, too.

He grinds in a delicious rhythm that has me shaking from top to toe, but without wasting more time, I reach between us, fist his cock, line it up at my entrance, and swallow it whole when he grinds forward.

“Oh God, Bubs.” He falls forward and presses his face into my neck. “You feel so good.”

Using his strength to effortlessly hold me up, he works in and out at a punishing rate. My shoulder blades slam against the tile each time he presses in. With each thrust forward, his massive chest rests against mine and forces the oxygen to explode from my lungs.

I can’t believe we waited so long for this.

We fit exactly right.

We’ve always fit exactly right.
