Page 140 of Finding Forever

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“Sissy! Hurry up! Let’s go.”

I jump at Bobby’s obnoxious shout. Boxes litter my new living room, and ripped tape collects on the floor like tumbleweed in the old west.

We’re here, inRollin Row, as Jack in all his teenaged wisdom has dubbed our tiny estate. We shut the gym and moved everyone in today. I swear, organizing four moving trucks for the same day was the easy part. Getting the guys to stop screwing around and load the damn trucks was the issue. But now that we’re here, now that I want to unpack a couple boxes and declutter my living space, Bobby decides he’sstarving.

The houses are set out like a cul-de-sac; seven houses in total. Three on each side of the street facing each other, and one at the top, looking straight down the line and to the gates.

Each yard is huge and manicured and backs onto national park and trees, and though every yard has its own fence, they’re all connected by small gates.

Kit and Bobby’s place sits at the top of the drive. The oldest brother. The first to marry. The ruler of the empire – according to him – they get the house at the top so they can watch over us all.

Lindsi and her kids are in the house between Kit’s and ours – the house that’ll one day be Jack’s.

All seven houses are similar; same ranch style build, they’re all set back from the street with lots of grass and pretty flowers, but they’re all unique in their own way. Different color schemes, different layout, different fixtures. They’re all double story, but Kit’s has a fancy scrolling staircase, whereas the rest of us mere mortals have regular, boring timber stairs.

Directly across from my house is Aiden, and between his and the other side of Bobby’s, is Jon’s.

My big protective brother gets to live across the street from me for the rest of my life.


If Tink moves in one day – and that day isnottoday – then maybe he’ll mellow out and stop watching me like a hawk. That’s the day I look forward to the most. Domestic disputes will abound. Ticking time bombs will explode. And I intend to be sitting beside Jim with the popcorn.

I can’t wait.

“Sissy!” Bobby sticks his head into the living room. “Move your ass!”

Don’t stab him with a box cutter. Bad Iz. Not allowed!“I’m coming.”

“I’m starving.” He dramatically sweeps his arms toward the driveway. “Get in the car, woman! Let’s go.”

“Where’s everyone else?”

“They’re already in the effing car!”

“Oh my God, so dramatic, Bobby.” I stand and crack my back. “Where’s Jim?”

“He’s out the front. Let’s go!”

“You’re such a little baby.” I try to hit him as I walk past, but he slaps my hand away lightning fast. He’s a champion fighter for a reason. I’m just his pesky little sister.

“I’ll get you next time.”

He rolls his eyes. “Mmhmm. Move fast and I’ll buy you ice-cream.”

“Why don’t we just grill in someone’s yard?” I turn and walk backwards. “We could grill burgers in less time than it’d take to go out.”

“Because I want pizza. So we get pizza.” Bobby jumps off my new porch and moves toward his car as strong arms wrap around my stomach and lift me off my feet.

I squeal as Jimmy swings me around and tickles my neck with his light stubble.

“I’m hungry too, Bubs. Let’s hurry and get pizza.” He presses his lips to my ear. “Then let me eat you up.”
