Page 154 of Finding Forever

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But Lindsi shot Ben.

She killed him.

Some might say she murdered him.

But with bruising and blood still on her throat, and bursting blood vessels still in her eyes, I call it fair play.

She aimed while they fought, she waited for the moment she’d have a clear shot, and when Jim rolled them and offered Ben up like a platter, she took the opportunity for what it was.

I didn’t realize she even owned a gun, but while the guys fought, she ran to her kitchen and came back with an old revolver.

She aimed, she waited, and when she had the opportunity, she was his executioner.

The police ran tests, millions of tests to determine who was where, who shot who, who had premeditated plans, who had professional training… the questions went on and on.

But the facts couldn’t be denied.

Ben hung Lindsi to die.

Then Ben shot Jim.

Lindsi was defending herself, her kids, and us, and I’ll always be thankful for her actions.

She’s one of us now.

“Where’s everyone going now?” Jack stands beside Kit – always beside Kit – but everyone shrugs in answer.

“We’re going home,” Bobby says. He pulls Kit close and rests his face in her hair. “Time to rest.”

Tink nods and takes Jon’s hand in a surprising display of solidarity. “We’ll come to yours, too.”

“Umm.” Lindsi clears her still-bruised throat. “We’re leaving. I’m taking the kids home. We’ll be moving in with my cousin for a little bit as we get ourselves set up. I need to get our lives back on track.”

Aiden pulls her in for a companionable hug. “Where’s home?”

She smiles nostalgically. “Out west. My family has some land, but I’ll move into the nearby city with my cousin. She’s young and immature.” She smiles indulgently. “She’s crazy and impulsive, but she’s fiercely loyal. She’ll take us in for however long we need.”

“But you have to go tonight?” Tink asks. “You don’t wanna stick around for a few more days?”

“I want to go now. It’s time to go, you know? It’ll take us a couple days to get there, so we’ll start tonight and stop in motels along the way.”

“You’ll call us when you arrive?”

She smiles. “I will.”

“You’ll call us always?” Kit questions seriously. “Don’t disappear on us now.”

Lindsi nods. “I promise. Maybe you guys can visit sometime. I’ll show you my family’s land.”

“That’d be cool,” Jon says. “We’ll do that.” He looks to Aiden. “You coming to Kitten’s?”

He shakes his head, and for the first time in… maybe ever, he blushes. Despite the fact we’re standing in my husband’s hospital room, my shaking lessens and a smile stretches wide on my face. Aiden blushing can only mean one thing.

“I have a date tonight.” He pulls Lindsi closer and tickles Livi’s chin. He’s using her as a shield, a buffer for his scary night ahead.

Kit’s smile matches mine. “A date with who?”

He shrugs dismissively. “You probably don’t know her. I met her once ages ago, but then she disappeared on me.”
