Page 45 of Finding Forever

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“And I don’t think it’s space she wants, you idiot.”

“You don’t think so?” I snap. “So when she told me to get out of her house and never come back, you think I misunderstood her words?”

He stops and studies me with pitiful eyes. “I think… that maybe she’s hurting right now. And scared. And maybe she’s screaming at you because you’re her safe space. Because she trusts you not to leave, no matter what her hormone addled brain throws at you.”

“Well, her hormone addled words hurt, Bobby! Seeing her hurt, hurts. I haven’t stopped hurting in a long time. I’m just…”I’m tired, but mostly, I’m sick of the rejection. I’ve been her safe space her whole life, but I get no love back. Am I so horrible? Why can’t she love me the way I love her? Or even just half of that will do.“Doesn’t matter. She asked me to leave, so I’m giving her some space.”

“You don’t understand–”

“I have a date tomorrow night.” His shocked eyes snap up to mine. I need to deflect. Anything to ease my own pain. “I’m taking Belle out to dinner.”

“Belle… Jonah’s Belle?”


“No.” He steps forward. “That’s a mistake, Jim. That’s a really big mistake.”

“Well, what’s one more mistake? Everything’s already fucked up.” Standing from the bed, I collect my dirty clothes and stomp out of the room.

Will this shit day never end?

I storm down the stairs and throw my shit in the washer. Slamming the door shut, I switch the machine on and run my hands through my hair.

I’m sick to death of… everything. Why must my life be so hard? What did I do so wrong in a past life to deserve this?

“Hey, Jim?”

I spin on Jack furiously. “What?”

He takes a wary step back with raised hands. “Woah. Never mind. It’s cool.”


“No. I’m sorry. What’s up?”

He looks at me like the kid he actually is. We treat him like one of us. Like a grown man. But he’s still a boy.

His blue eyes watch me closely. “Are you okay?”

The washing machine clunks noisily at my back. “Yeah, I’m okay. What’s up?”

“No, it’s cool. I just wanted to say hey.”

I want to groan with frustration. “You already said hey when you opened the front door. Stop bullshitting and tell me what’s up?”

He nervously shuffles his feet, reminding me of Belle and how she shuffles hers sometimes. I should cancel. Regardless of what happens with Iz, I agree with Bobby. I’m making a mistake.

“Talk to me, Jack.”

“It’s just… Well, it’s awkward.” He busily looks everywhere but at me. “I… just. There’s this girl.” My heart trips painfully.Oh, please God, no.“Well, we almost… We–” He tries to clear his throat. “She’s never– Umm.”

Someone, kill me now.

“Spit it out, Jack.”

“Sex.” His wide eyes wheel around nervously. “She’s never had sex before.”

He’s not yet seventeen, and he’s already lapping me.
