Page 57 of Finding Forever

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My eyes shoot open at the sound of a feral growl. There are no wolves in here. No grizzly bears. No wild dogs. Just Izzy.

“Your back hurts?”

Big mistake. Deadly mistake.

“Are you okay?”

This is a trick.

“I mean, my vagina feels like it’s on fire, but is your precious back okay?”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?”

“No baby, I’m not sore. I’m sorry. I love you. You’re doing so well.”

Her eyes narrow.

I’m a dead man.

“Are we really gonna get married?” Her growls turn to emotional sniffles in a heartbeat. “Or is this a trick? A motivational tool to get me through labor?”

“I promise this is real, Bubs. I’m going to marry you. I thought I was doing the right thing by waiting.”

“Well you didn’t! You should’ve asked when you bought that ring. Better yet, you should’ve taken me on a date a decade ago, you fucking jerk.”

“I know, Bubs. I fucked up. I’m sorry.” I can barely concentrate on her weak anger, because her shivers almost lift her from the bed.

This isn’t normal.

Something’s wrong.

“Oh, Jimmy. Bean’s coming.”

“I know, baby. You’re doing so good.”

“No, Jim. Bean’s coming right now!”

She lifts her upper body and starts grunting.

Oh God. Oh no.

“Wait. Oh fuck, Bubs. Just wait a second.” I run to the door. “Help us! Someone help. She’s pushing.” I run back to Iz and take her hand in mine as bunches of medical personnel run into our room and start shouting orders.

That same doctor from earlier stands at the end of the bed and throws Iz’s blankets up and exposes her to the room.

I want to strangle him. I want to beg him to make it all better.

“I see your baby’s head, Mommy.” He looks up and smiles. “I want you to stop pushing, Izzy. Don’t push until you’re contracting.”

“But it hurts so much,” she cries.

I lean forward and take her in my arms as best I can. I tuck her face into my shoulder and whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

“I know,” he continues. “I know it hurts, but you need to rest in between pushes.”

“Okay, here comes another,” the nurse coaches. “When it hits, I want you to push for a count of ten. Give it everything you’ve got.”
