Page 71 of Finding Forever

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“Is Bean okay? Is he alright?”

“Yeah,he’salright.” Iz smiles up at me. Yeah,sheis alright.

“Tell it to us quick,” Kit begs. “I’m gonna have a heart attack over here. Why are you in the hospital? Why is there blood? Who do I need to kill?”

Iz smirks. “Instead of us explaining over the phone, why don’t you just come meet Bean yourself?” She pauses for dramatic effect. “Come meet your niece.”

Kit squeals. “Bean’s here?”

“I’m on my way,” reverberates through the phone from five different voices, then a “Someone come and get me! Don’t leave me out, assholes!”

I laugh at Jack’s whine. “Someone bring me fresh clothes. I seriously need new pants.”

“There’s some in my trunk,” Bobby calls out. “Wait, why do you need new clothes?”

I look into Iz’s playful eyes. “I got spit up on.”

“The baby’s really here?” Aiden asks quietly. “Everyone’s okay?”

I nod, even though he can’t see me. “Yeah, Bean’s really here. I’m looking right at her.”

“Wait!” Tink shouts. “Wait, wait, wait, wait.She?Niece?Bean’s a girl?”

Iz nods. We’re both nodding idiots. “Yeah, she’s a she. And she’s amazing.”

Jon promises to be here in three seconds. Bobby promises food and clothes. Tink promises to swing by and collect Jack. And as one, the call goes dead.

“Ah, kids?” The nurse walks up and hands Iz juice and sandwiches. “I didn’t mean to listen in to your call–”

“They’re kinda loud, sorry.”

“That’s okay. They were excited.” She parks her butt on the edge of the cabinet like earlier. “But the thing is, this is a special care unit. Your guests can only come in one by one. We can’t have crowds, I’m sorry, hon.”

“Oh… alright.” Iz looks to me. “It’s okay. They can just take turns. We’ll only be in here for another day or whatever, then we can all visit in the regular room.”

“That’s fine with me, though I’ll miss you guys.” Standing again, she taps the plastic covering on Iz’s sandwich. “Please make sure each of your guests washes their hands. Eat, momma, and rest. I know you must be tired. You can’t pour from an empty cup.” She winks and walks out of our cubicle.

“She’s right.” I wait for her gaze to lift to mine. “You’ve been in here for hours. She’s been latched on for hours.” I stroke my finger along her pale cheek. “You look like you’re gonna fall on your face any second.”

“I don’t want to go right now.” She presses a kiss to Bean’s fuzzy head. “I want to see everyone. Maybe after that.”

So fucking stubborn. “Okay. But promise you’ll tell me when you’ve had enough. I’ll get you to bed, and I’ll get everyone out of your face. It’s my job to take care of you.”

She lies without words. She nods. “I’ll tell you.”

My phone vibrates, so I swipe to answer. “What do you want, Princess?”

“Where are you? The front desk lady said you’re not in a regular ward.”

“We’re not. We’re in special care.”

“Why? Is Bean okay?”

“She’s fine, but we had a scary night. Come to the NICU and I’ll buzz you in. Only one at a time though, sorry.”

“Oh, that sucks. For Bobby.” She snickers. “Alright, hold on, we’re in the elevator now. Is Izzy okay?”

“Yeah, she’s okay, too. But they’re both really tired, so try not to overwhelm them, okay?”
