Page 74 of Finding Forever

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Introduction To Anxiety

“Sissy.” Bobby rounds the corner of the unit and rushes toward me. His eager steps falter when he gets a closer look. I know what he’s seeing. I’m pale and sickly. I’m tired, and sore, and dizzy, and I know he worries.

But, I’m okay. I have everything I’ll ever need in my grasp. I have my healthy baby nestled against my chest as she suckles me half to death, and when Jimmy takes my hand, I smile, because I finally have him, too.

“I’m fine, Bobby.” I snuggle into his gentle embrace.

“Jesus, Sissy. What did you do to yourself?” He steps back and lowers into a crouch. “I’m getting fed up with seeing my girls in the hospital.”

“Sorry, but we kinda knew this one was coming, right?”

“Bit early, Sissy. You scared me.”

“I’m sorry.” I look down as she dozes and suckles. “But ah, I’d like to introduce you to someone really special, Uncle B. Our daughter. This is Lucy, and she’s your brand-new niece.”

“Hi there Lucy, you beautiful little thing.” He strokes her face even while she remains latched to my breast. It’s not weird. It’s just skin. And a baby. She’s just eating. “You’re in beast mode, right? I heard you had a rocky start, but you’re a Rollin baby, you’re strong.”

“Yeah, she’s strong. She’s early, but she’s still big and strong.” His eyes come up to mine. “The nurses said she’ll be on a little medicine over the next couple days, and as long as she stays normal and healthy, she’s plenty big enough that we can go home soon.”

“That’s so cool.” He looks back to his niece. “I’m still pissed you moved out. I was seriously looking forward to living with this beauty for a while.”

Jimmy clears his throat. “Sorry B, but that’s my job. Get your own girl.”

Smiling, Bobby looks up at me. “I heard about that. That’s a pretty ring you got there, Sissy.”

Heat sneaks up over my chest and into my face. “Yeah… It’s seriously beautiful.”

“Congratulations, guys. I swear to God, I’m so fucking happy for you both.”

“Thanks, B.”

“Can I hold?” He looks between me and Bean like a giddy child choosing between cake and soda.

Rubbing his hands together gleefully, I snicker and work to unlatch her. She’s sound asleep and already creating a dependence on comfort eating while she sleeps. Bobby turns to the side ever so briefly as I unlatch and cover up, and Jimmy takes her for a fast snuggle.

He smothers her in kisses before grudgingly passing her over. Bobby is six and a half feet of pure heavyweight champion fighter. He’s huge and gruff and covered in tattoos, and yet, he holds her against his chest like he’s been doing it all his life.

“That looks good on you.” I finish retying my gown and work to ignore my painful nipples. It didn’t hurt at first, but now, each time she latches on, my toes curl.

He smirks. “Yeah, maybe I’ll get my own soon.” He grins like a filthy pig. “We’re working on it.” Then, “Oh crap!” He digs in his pockets and takes out his cell. “Do you mind? Kit wants to see.”

“I don’t mind. But call her, like FaceTime her, instead. I wanna see.”

He grins. “Alright Sissy, this is your party. Your wish is my command.”

He acts as if he’s doing me a huge favor, but we both know he’s dying to talk to her. He dials, and we wait no more than ten seconds before her pixelated face answers.

“Izzy?” She wipes a glitchy finger under her eye as I squeeze my face against Bobby’s. “Oh my gosh, look at you. You look like shit, babe.”

I snort. “Thanks, Kitty. I can always count on you.”

She sniffles back her tears. “I love you, Izzy. You had me so worried!”

“I love you, too.”
