Page 78 of Finding Forever

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Catching All The Z’s

Iz is asleep before the elevator doors close. I use one hand to hold her head up so it’s not quite so kinked, and the other and my body to maneuver the chair and IV pole through halls and into her room.

I don’t know what all is attached to her, and I’m terrified of breaking something, of breakingher, so I kick my leg out and hit the call button with the toe of my shoe.

The nurse snickers as soon as she walks in. “She’s back, huh?”

“Yeah, she didn’t want to leave.”

“I can’t blame her, that Beany baby is adorable.” Her smile turns to a frown when she checks the empty IV bag. She pulls the empty bag down and unclips it from Izzy’s arm. “She needs a fresh round of antibiotics. If you wake her up and get her into bed, I’ll hook up the new bag.”

“I don’t have to wake her. I’ll lift her, I just didn’t know about all these cords.”

“Alright, you lift, since you’re so big and strong.” She laughs when my face warms. “You lift, I’ll organize her accessories. Ready?”

“Alright.” As gently as I can, I place my right hand under Iz’s legs, and my left behind her back, but despite how careful I am, she hisses in pain even while she sleeps.

“Careful there, hon, that poor girl’s been butchered.”

I don’t want to hurt her. I never want to hurt her. Carefully I lift and move in synchronization with the nurse. “Is it really bad?”

“She has a third-degree tear, inside and out.” She maneuvers the cords as I move. Images of what’s going on in Iz’s lower half send my balls withdrawing high inside my body. “She’ll be in pain for a little while yet, but the sooner she rests, the sooner she can be up and walking around.”

I lay her on the bed and smooth my hands over her delicate body. Iz has never been a delicate flower. Beating on boys twice her size since she could walk, training with us every day, fighting, competing, she’s never been delicate. But right now, with her white lips and see through skin, I gain a brand-new version of the girl I love.

So fucking delicate, I want to protect her forever.

I bring my hand over her still inflated belly. So delicate.

“That’ll shrink as time goes on.” I look up to find the nurse watching me. “Over the next few days, her contractions will continue, especially when she feeds. That’s when it’ll shrink.” She tsks. “Hollywood sets women up every day to expect to fit back into their jeans as soon as that baby’s out. Not so.”

I nod and step back to grab my fresh pile of clothes. I need a shower. Istillstink. But as though she could sense me moving away, Iz stirs with a frown. “Don’t leave.” Eyes closed, small V between her brows, her hand clamps onto mine. “Don’t leave me.”

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m just going to have a shower. I’ll just be over–”

“No,” she grumbles in her sleep. “Please don’t go. Stay with me.”

Cocking her hip, the nurse looks me up and down with sass. “You’re not allowed in that bed, young man.” But then she steps back and opens the door. “But I won’t be back for another hour. Miss Isabelle’s hooked up with a fresh bag, so I don’t expect she’ll need me for the next little while. Be sure to take care with her wires.” With a soft laugh, she steps out and closes the door behind her.

Turning back, I look down at Iz as she sleeps soundly with her dark hair spread over the white pillow, and her open palm squishing her cheek up. She sleeps with her lips parted and her breath whistling quietly as she breathes deep and evenly.

“Alright, Bubs.” I quickly kick my shoes off and shake my head at my stained jeans. “I promised I wouldn’t leave you. This is me keeping my promise.” I don’t even know how long it’s been since I last slept. I know it was bent like a pretzel in my Jeep out front of Iz’s house. I think that was two nights ago.

I was on Bean patrol last night. Hyped up on natural energy with a side kick of caffeine, I stared at Bean’s face all night and waited for them to bring her mommy back to us.

Now I have her mommy, and my brother and sister-in-law are on Bean patrol. I climb in beside her and work hard not to bump any of her cords.

Slowly, carefully, with plans of a one-hour nap in my mind, I fulfill one of my life dreams; lifting Iz’s head and bringing it carefully to my chest, I lower my face and drift off with her fragrance saturating my senses and her hair tickling my nose.

* * *

“Jim, wake up, bro.”

“Jim, get off my sister, you overweight bitch!”
