Page 94 of Finding Forever

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Feeling Blue

Tink gently pushes me onto the bed and sits down close enough our legs practically overlap. “Alright. Talk. What’s the matter, babe?”

“I don’t know.” My whiny voice grates on my own nerves. “I can’t stop crying. I feel sick, literally, every time Bean cries.” I rub my hands over my stomach. “Every single time she makes a squeak, everyone runs to her and oohs and ahhs over how cute the sound is, but it literally makes me sick. I want to go to sleep and wake up when this is all over.” I look into Tink’s green eyes. “I feel like a terrible fucking mom for wishing that. I’m just…” I sigh. “I’m just so damn tired.”

“Izzy, you’re still low in blood, remember?” Kit climbs onto the bed behind me and finger combs my hair. “Only a few days ago, you lost a lot of blood. You declined the transfusion. Add on that you still have stitches stretching from your poon to your asshole. You only get sleep in two-hour blocks when Bean does. You’reallowedto be tired and sad.”

“Yeah, but–”

“Iz, I’m not sure how much you researched before Bean arrived.” Tina steps toward me. Her long blonde hair, the complete opposite to mine, hangs over her delicate shoulder. “When a woman is pregnant, and then when she gives birth, there’s a huge hormonal imbalance. This is actually a thing. A few days after your baby is born, you tend to get your milk in, which hurts, a whole lot.” Her blue eyes shine with sincerity. “And then there’s the baby blues. This is normal. There’s nothing wrong with you, and you’re definitely not a bad mom. You just need to be kind to yourself.”

“Baby blues is a thing?”

“It really is, and I swear, you’ll feel better soon. Eat lots, sleep as much as you can, let Jim take care of you.”

“Which brings us to our next topic,” Tink adds with a conspiratorial smirk. “You and Jim?”

“Yes!” Kit tugs on my hair when her gentle hands turn excited. “What the hell happened?”

“Last we heard, he was out banging bimbos,” Tina adds. “Your words, not mine. And now y’all are engaged? What the eff?”

“Not that we’re complaining!” Tink inserts. “We might’ve gotten shit-faced drunk when your news rang throughout the kingdom. But what the hell, Iz? Dish!”

“Um… well.” I know they’re taking my mind off my anxieties. I know they’re turning up the drama to distract me. But, it’s working. “I called him when my water broke. He was on his bimbo date, but I called anyway, because I was scared.”

“Which is totally understandable,” Kit adds softly. “He’s always been your best friend. I would’ve done the same thing.”

“Right. So I called him, he ditched her and got here like, three minutes later. He took me to the hospital, they got me hooked up, then when I started to get sick, he took care of me. He didn’t leave my side. I argued and called him mean names.” I spin the beautiful ring around my finger. “Then he pulled this out of his pocket.”

Tink yanks my hand close to her face. “It’s so pretty.”

I nod. “He told me he’s had it in his pocket every day for five years, then he proposed. I said yes, then I spewed all over him.” I snicker at the memory. It’s starting to transform from embarrassing to funny. Poor, stinky Jim.

“Five years?” Tink clarifies.

“Yeah, remember when I told you guys he ditched me after his title fight? Apparently,Iwas the bimbo, but he wasn’t banging me. He was buying jewelry and inking his body.”

“He has a tattoo?” Tina practically shouts. I look toward the door, fully expecting him to come running in any moment. “Little Jimmy has ink? Holy shit.”

I snort. “Little Jimmy.”

She rolls her eyes. “Littler than Bobby. Where?”

“Where what?”

“His tattoo, dummy!”

“Oh…” I blush. I can’t help it, I literally have to fan my face. “Umm, it’s hidden by his underwear.”

“You’ve seen it?” Tink asks incredulously. “Damn girl. Not even stitches will stop a girl in love.”

“Stop.” I press a pillow to her face. “Yes, I’ve seen it. No, we haven’t done… anything. He showered me yesterday, so he had to strip off, obviously.”

“Wow.” Kit leans heavily against my back. “What does the tattoo say?”
