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How did this woman know who we were?

There was something about her that gave me comfort, like she cared about Penelope’s well-being.

“JoJo,” I returned, unable to take my gaze off Penelope. She looked unharmed by the flight.

“Kane Zegas,” Kane said gruffly from behind me.

“Your bags have been delivered to your room. We didn’t unpack. Some people prefer to do it themselves,” she said, amused with herself. “The cupboards are stocked with the basic necessities, but if there’s anything you need, let me know.”

How? How had all of that happened?

The only bag I had was the one I’d packed for the trip to the Hamptons.

Daniel and Vivian shadowed the doorway. They’d taken the helicopter with us, much to my surprise. I couldn’t get over their generosity.

Because of them, minute details had been arranged without Kane or me having to. We’d been able to focus solely on Penelope.

Someday soon I’d give them my utmost gratitude. Proper gratitude.

I was still in a daze, like I might wake up soon and discover this all was a horribly long nightmare.

But thebeep-beepof the machine was too real. As was Nurse Ana.

However, Penelope, still unmoving, still battered and bruised, was a stark reminder that this was most definitely a nightmare.

A living, breathing one.

“She’s doing great,” Ana said as she finished checking her vitals. “Dr. Anderson is speaking with our director but will be by soon. I’m going to leave you with her for a few minutes so you have some privacy.”

She spoke to Daniel and Vivian as she left, though I didn’t hear what she said. I stepped toward Penelope, desperate to take her hand, yet afraid I’d hurt her.

“What do you think? Of this place?” Kane asked when he stood beside me.

“So far, I’m impressed.” I had little to go on other than a gut feeling. Sometimes that was enough.

The gesture Ana made of adjusting Penelope’s pillow said something about the level of care. My daughter wouldn’t just be a patient. She’d well and truly be nursed back to health with a tenderness and compassion beyond my expectations.

“She did good.” He looked at Penelope with admiration.

“She did.”

Her spirit and fight seemed to be keeping her with us. I prayed she’d be able to breathe on her own soon. I was no physician, but that appeared to be the next big hurdle in her recovery.

What if she can’t?

I ignored the little voice of doubt that reared its ugly head, refusing to let it plant its seed.

“I’m going to speak with Daniel for a moment.” He touched my shoulder. “I won’t be long.”

The room was colder without him. Had it really been not long ago we could hardly stand the sight of one another?

Now I couldn’t imagine him not being here.

I rounded the bed and sat in one of the nearby chairs. It was still painful to see my beautiful, vibrant Penelope this way.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. This never should’ve happened.”

This would be the time where she’d tell me if she were awake that things happened as they were supposed to.
