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Half was mine. Alma and mother each had the other quarter. And I supposed now Kane was in the picture.

Patrick tapped his lips. “Based on my research, I just handed the two of you majority ownership.”

I hadn’t thought of that. Other than keeping abreast of things, I allowed the people my father and grandparents put in place to run the company.

Would Penelope be interested? I’d never thought to ask what she’d like regarding our family business.

“For a minute, it looked like I was going to have to give a few more concessions. I almost let her have your apartment. She and that ceiling deserve each other,” Patrick muttered. He touched the top of the machine keeping Penelope alive. “And then I thought about what she’d done and took the liberty to make decisions on your behalf.”

Kane released a low growl. I wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

“Daniel Elliott really can come in handy.” He waved his phone around again. “Just this morning he sent me a video of Alma confessing to what she’d done to Penelope. Judge Robard was quite furious about that.”

We could give that to the police too. Except there was no just punishment for what she’d done.

“You’re required to put what Alma would have received in typical proceedings in a trust for Penelope. So you got half and Penelope got half.” He took a dramatic bow.

“No conditions? No strings?”

“Just that Alma has to begin the transfer of assets she owes you immediately,” Patrick said. “Sign the papers.”

Kane’s shoulders rose and fell as he took a deep breath. He scrawled his name where Patrick had flagged, then tossed them toward the man. “This is the first time I’ve ever signed something without reading it. You better be sure it’s iron tight.”

Patrick grinned. “Did I forget to mention my fee?” He shoved the papers back into his briefcase. “I’ll find Elliott to have her sign them.”

I didn’t want to think about how they’d accomplish that.

He gently patted Penelope’s hand. “When you feel better, I’ll show you exactly how to stick it to somebody when necessary.”

I shook my head.These lawyers.

He lifted his chin in my direction. “JoJo, you look lovely, as always. I hope you two take a quick moment to celebrate that Zegas is all yours now.” He winked.

My face heated.

Kane was free. To be all mine.

I would like to celebrate, though it didn’t seem fair to Penelope.

“I want to know the moment it’s done,” Kane said.

Patrick saluted. “Yes, sir. And I hope you’re in a better mood tomorrow.” He winked at me again and disappeared.

I reached for Kane’s hand. It was stiff in mine.

He’d kept his back to me the entire time. I hadn’t been able to read his expressions. Had no idea how he felt about the divorce.

He was like a rigid stone.

“Are you okay?” I asked softly.

He remained unmoving. I held his hand, but he didn’t return the gesture.


He wasn’t taking any of the good news well.

I failed when I said I do.
