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“She’s lucky to have you.” Beau’s eyes had a faraway look.

She was no doubt thinking of her own father. The way he treated her was appalling. Fathers protected. They didn’t throw their children into the lion’s den. They didn’t hurt them intentionally. I saw that even when I hadn’t known I was a father. Now that I had the role, I couldn’t fathom his behavior.

“I’m the fortunate one.”

JoJo slipped an arm around my waist in silent support. I kissed the top of her head. “I should speak to my parents. Let them know what’s happening.”

JoJo nodded. “Yes, you should.”

I couldn’t put it off any longer, and there were people here to keep an eye on Dr. Hotshot.

Beau followed my gaze. “Penelope is going to have a nice-looking surprise when she wakes up.”

I scowled. Beau grinned.

JoJo dug her fingers into my side then gave me a gentle push toward the door. “Make your call.”

I clasped my phone and stepped into the hallway. I hadn’t left Penelope’s room other than to sleep a few hours since we’d arrived. In some ways, it felt wrong to do so.

Nurse Ana waved as she approached. “Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Zegas?”

“Is there somewhere quiet I can make a phone call?” I asked, still getting my bearings in the unfamiliar place.

“I know a good spot.” She motioned for me to follow her.

She led me down the hall to a small conference room.

“Use it as long as you like.” She closed the door once I was inside, leaving me on my own.

I hadn’t really been alone in days. The quiet was almost too much.

Stop procrastinating, Kane.

I pressed my father’s contact, my heart picking up speed with every unanswered ring.

I was about to give up when I heard his voice.


“Dad,” I said, suddenly at a loss for words.

“It’s been a while, son.”

It had. And though he hadn’t meant it as a jab, it felt like one. Another shortcoming in my column.

“Is Mom around? I need to talk to you both.” I paced in the small space, uncertain what I was going to say.

“Paula! Kane’s on the phone.” His muffled shout reminded me of home.

They still lived in the house I’d grown up in. It was easy to picture him in his office and her puttering about the house.

“Kane’s on the phone?” she asked hopefully, as if she wasn’t sure she’d heard my father right.

That hope tore at my chest because I heard it from a different perspective now. As a parent.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey. It’s been so long. How are you?” She didn’t sound angry. She sounded thrilled to hear from me.
