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My fingers itched to wrap around her neck. She would never take my daughter out of the medical facility. Ever.

“You aren’t the person I thought you were.” My hands found purchase around her throat.

Her eyes gleamed. “And you aren’t who I thought you were either.”

We wrestled, dragging one another in a circle, neither of us landing any blows. The world blurred around us. Each of us seemed to be attempting to steer one another in a different direction.

Alma was winning.

“I thought I wanted you to watch Penelope die.” She didn’t sound affected by my hands around her throat. “But it’s much better she’ll have to live the rest of her life as a vegetable.”

I tightened my grip. She coughed and smacked me in the face.

I lost my hold on her.

She shoved.

Nothing but air was behind me.

“You really should’ve learned how to swim.”

And then I hit the water.




Everything happened in slow motion. One second JoJo and Alma struggled with one another.

The next JoJo disappeared over the edge of the dock.

I raced ahead. As soon as I had JoJo back on land, I was going to kill Alma, consequences be damned.

Thankfully, Salvatore and Elliott had her tailed. Otherwise, I’d have never found them.

Alma reached into her small purse.

Black metal gleamed under the light.

She pointed the gun straight at me. “Either you die, or she does.”

I didn’t have time for this. Every second I didn’t reach JoJo was one less that she had to live.

I kept running.

She’d have to kill me to stop me from going after JoJo.

“You really do love her.” Alma tilted her head as if that were impossible.

She shook the gun as I grew closer.

“Get out of my way.”

Seeing her affected me like it always had. Only now my rage toward her was ramped up a thousandfold.

She’d tried to kill my daughter. She’d pushed JoJo in the East River.
