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“He is. And he won’t admit it, but he’s in a lot of pain.”

She lifted her eyes to the ceiling. “Men and their macho crap. Deep down they’re big babies.” She nudged my arm. “And you? How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay.”

She made a dissatisfied noise. My chest hurt especially when I took a deep breath, but my injuries were nothing. I could handle them.

“My point exactly. Women are tougher.”

I laughed. “We are.”

The security men lifted their chins as we passed. Hellos were exchanged as Nancy and I set her bags on the counter.

She abandoned her load and hurried toward Kane. “What were you thinking getting shot?”

“I’m surprised it hadn’t happened before now, to be honest.”

She growled at him. “I brought you something to eat. Soup to heal.”

I slipped back out into the hallway. Nurse Ana sat behind the desk studying her computer screen.

“Miss Cunningham.” She smiled. “Everything okay?”

“Are there extra chairs anywhere?” I glanced at the security. “Large ones for them, bar height.”

“We’ve got just the thing.” She inclined her head toward the burly men. “Think one of them could spare a minute to help?”

I approached them, a little intimidated by their sheer size. If Alma would’ve showed up, they could’ve pulverized her with one hand.

“Can I borrow one of you for a minute?”

Without a word, the taller of the two followed Nurse Ana and me to a closed door just down the hall.

She pointed at what she wanted, and he hooked the tall chair through his arm and carried it with one hand.

Once he had it in place beside Penelope’s bed, Marlow sat Blake on it. The security man grabbed another, put it next to Blake, and motioned for Marlow to sit . . . so she could be comfortable making sure Blake didn’t fall.

Both of the men appeared surprised when I indicated for them to put the other two chairs on either side of the door . . . for them.

They filled the seats with their large frames, but stayed on alert.

With a silent nod of appreciation, they returned to scanning the hallway.

Nancy and I served the soup to everyone . . . including Salvatore’s men and the facility staff.

She took the baby from Kane’s mother, and for a moment I worried there was going to be a fight over who would hold her.

Apparently, everyone in this room loved children.

Even Kane.

“Still think babies are aliens?” I asked quietly as I fed him a spoonful of soup.

“Have you seen that thing? Yes, it’s an alien.”

I giggled.

“It’s good to see you smile.” His voice was tender.
