Page 104 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“She already told you,” Drew said loudly in my ear.

“Steak Diane. And him.” She pointed at Drew, devouring him with her eyes.

I had to look away for a second to keep from laughing.

“You’ll have to talk to her about how much he costs,” I said, motioning to Sonya.

I got out of their way to avoidthatconversation and prepared her food.

Drew followed me. “Let me handle the customers. We had her for everything. I would have been salesman of the day,” he huffed. I scooped garlic mashed potatoes into the to-go container. “Iamsalesman of the day,” he amended.

“You are. Now go get Sonya away from your new friend before the hair-pulling starts.” His eyes gleamed, and I scowled. “Never mind. Just go make another sale.”

“I want hair-pullingandsales.”

“The hair-pulling happens on your own time.”

“You’re a tough boss lady.” He moved back to the window, already charming the next woman.

“I’m here for the eye candy,” she said.

“Can’t have any of that without ordering something to eat.” Drew leaned forward on his elbows, the taut T-shirt showcasing his muscles.

Sonya slapped his rear, and he winked at her over his shoulder.

“There were more of them yesterday,” the first woman said to the second. “I hope they come back.”

I pressed my hand to my forehead. It was a mistake to have gorgeous men work my truck. There were a lot of disappointed ladies on Park Avenue right now.

“Oh, here’s another one.” The lady furiously tapped on her friend’s shoulder. “He was my favorite yesterday. You should see his forearms.”

I couldn’t see who they were talking about. “Sonya, who else have you recruited?”

She gave me an incredulous look. “Nobody. They wouldn’t come help if I was.”

I wondered how much truth was in that statement. Probably some.

I finished plating the order, my heart stuttering when I saw Andrew standing behind them. He had on a chocolate suit today, no forearms to be seen. The ladies at my window weren’t the only ones disappointed.

“When do you work again?” one of them turned around and asked.

Red splotches bloomed on his cheeks. “I’ll have to check with the boss.” His eyes met mine and shimmered with amusement.

The women practically tripped over themselves as they walked away.

“Man, you’re stealing my spotlight.” Drew made an annoyed face at Andrew.

“You’remarried,” Sonya said.

“I see nothing has changed since last night,” Andrew said, cutting his eyes to Drew and Sonya.

“Not a thing.” I grinned at him. “You’re late for lunch.”

“Crazy busy day.” He glanced behind him, one side of his mouth turning down at the line that had formed. “Looks like yours is too.”

“Are you here for more than an afternoon pick me up?”

His expression turned serious. “Always.”
