Page 124 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Mercy,” Blake cried along with her.

We all paused to look at him.

“Another new word,” she said in wonder.

“He gets his smarts from me,” I said, and that started the whole war again.

“I said mercy like an hour ago,” she panted.

“Then let me up.”

Patrick and I got in one final tickle before she collapsed on the rug beside me.

“We’re too old for this,” she said.

“Yeah. But I needed that.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


“What kindof help do you need for the fundraiser?”

Vivian tapped the end of a pen against her lips before sticking it between her teeth.

“I have enough from the ladies here.” I glanced down at my notebook where I’d made notes of the details about the event.

“If anything changes, you know where to find me.”

“Sonya’s volunteered Drew’s services,” I said with a smirk. “I didn’t ask specifically what kind.”

“I think Drew did it for the attention. He wouldn’t hush about all the women who came back for the man candy.” Vivian lifted her eyes toward the ceiling.

“Ah, yes. I’m afraid they might have to make an appearance again soon or I’ll be run off.”

“Ooh. We could make it a way to lure in customers. Like a ‘when are the hot men coming?’ campaign.”

I got a little nervous.

“It’s not a bad idea, but I can’t ask them to do that.”

“Ask Andrew to work the counter sometimes. That should satisfy the women.”

I stared down at my lap. “Um, I don’t think he’d do that.”

“Sure, he would. It’s obvious he likes you,” she carried on. I fidgeted with Ella’s blanket. “Oh shit. I’ve stepped in it, haven’t I?”

Her expression was apologetic, and I gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s fine. Let’s just not talk about it, okay.”

She saluted me. “Done. But if you need to . . ."

“I know where to find you.”

Vivian shoved back from the table, her chair scraping on the hardwood floor. “I gotta dash, but this is a weight off me, knowing you’ve got this covered.”

“Anything you need.” I owed this woman so much.

“Come over for dinner this week if you have time. Tell Baker to come too.” She gathered her things and dumped them in her purse.
