Page 125 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“I’d love to, but I need to work to get this stuff ready.” I pointed toward the notepad.

“You’ve got to eat.” She leaned over Ella’s carrier, which was sitting on the table. “See you soon little lady.” Ella let out a shriek, and Vivian grinned. “You’re something else.”

“This is the one.”Baker pointed at the white chocolate cake while she chewed. “Definitely the one.”

She was helping me taste test possibilities for the fundraiser. “I think so too.” I licked chocolate ganache off my fork.

“Take one to Sonya to be sure.”

“She’s not the best judge at the moment. She likes anything sweet,” I said.

“Good point. But if she finds out you’ve been conducting a sampling without her, she’ll throw a fit. A pregnant lady, Sonya-style hissy.”

I scratched my neck. “Think it’s too late to call her?”

“Set it up for tomorrow. Make a few of the ones you just fed me and get her to come by the truck.”

I tapped her temple. “Genius.”

She grinned at me. “People say that to me all day long. I have no idea why.” Baker shrugged and feigned innocence.

“Me, neither.” I took off my apron and tossed it on the counter. “Now for the fun part. Cleanup.”

“I’ll help,” a soft voice said from the doorway to the kitchen.

“Cricket?” I shook off my surprise. “We could use it, if you don’t mind.”

“I offered, didn’t I?” she said sharply, before she deflated. “I mean, sure. I don’t mind.”

Baker turned on the faucet. I grabbed the dish soap and tossed Cricket a clean towel. “Will you dry?”


I gathered the messy bowls, baking tins, and spatulas while Baker set to work washing. She belted out “Heatwave” by Martha and the Vandellas, and Cricket looked a little scared until I joined in. Her lips parted, but she snapped them shut, aggressively drying a spoon Baker handed her.

When we finished the song, Cricket was still focused on the dishes. I was grateful for the little moment of reprieve from the heaviness in my heart.

“Aren’t you going to ask where I went yesterday?” Cricket finally asked, though she didn’t look up.

“Do you want me to?”

She stepped back, disbelief in her eyes, the decision seeming to weigh on her. “I can’t get caught by the cops.”

“Running probably wasn’t the best way not to draw attention to yourself,” I said quietly. The girl was clearly troubled. I didn’t want to offend her or scare her away, but she needed the truth.

Her chin dropped to her chest. “I got scared.” Then she stared at me with rounded eyes. “He didn’t say anything, did he?”

“I told him you’d had a rough first day. But you can trust him, Cricket.”

“I can’t trust nobody,” she said with a stubborn set of her jaw.

I understood completely, but in life, it was imperative to find at least someone else that was trustworthy. Despite what had happened to me, I’d managed. Whatever Cricket had going on, she had to learn to build it up. I’d do what I could, but it was completely up to her.

“Help me tomorrow?”

“You mean you want me back?” The dish towel hung from her fingertips as she stared at me.

“Sure,” I said as if it were no big deal. “Cricket, Ilivehere. We get it, probably more than others. Everyone has tough days. But I’m willing to move past it if you are.”
