Page 128 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“I’ve been wanting to get one. When I come back next week, have room for both of us,” he shot back.

“We could talk about why you aren’t going back to Wyoming?”

Damn, Marlow knew how to provoke a man.

Holt’s jaw tightened. “Or we could talk about how you won’t even say Jack’s name?”

“To think I was glad you were back home. I just changed my mind.” She let go of me and folded her arms over her stomach.

Dad held open the door to a hired SUV for her. Once she was inside, he leveled Holt with a gaze. “Watch it.”

Nobody apologizedto each other on the ride over, and when we arrived at the hotel, I was the first one out. I didn’t need the tension, and both my siblings were trading low blows like candy.

Dad clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t avoid her. It’s better just to get it out of the way.”

Avoidance was exactly what I’d planned to do. I didn’t want to make small talk and wasn’t sure I’d be able to say anything to her without losing my shit.

“There are a lot of people here,” I said, surprised.

Dad glanced behind us, and my eyes followed his. Holt had Marlow by the elbow. His expression was contrite while hers was still pissed off. At least they were making amends before we got inside.

“I have our tickets. Audrey arranged for us all to be at the same table.”

“Shouldn’t you have picked her up? Like a date?”

“I offered, but she’s too busy with the event.” A hint of disappointment colored his words.

“Better to ask her out when you can have her all to yourself.” I bumped his shoulder, and he smiled.


“Hey, forearms. Why do you have that jacket on when you know what the ladies want to see?” Sonya waddled up to us as we approached the door.

My dad gave me a befuddled look, and I didn’t bother to try to explain.

“Shall I cut the sleeve off? Say, to here?” I pointed at the crease at my elbow.

“Um, no. Here.” She touched my shoulder and grinned. “I saw that brother of yours. He’s already got a new lady friend.”

“Stop being so nosy,” Drew said, tugging her into his side. “Or at least space yourself out. We just got here.”

“It’s not being nosy if it’s right out in public.”

“That’s my sister,” I said and motioned to Dad. “And this is my father.”

Introductions were exchanged, and Marlow and Holt caught up. I held open the door to the ballroom, stalling. But I could do this. I had to. I’d decided it didn’t matter the reason. I was here to support Paths of Purpose. One woman’s presence wouldn’t undermine that.

Except I found my eyes scanning the room for any sign of her. I couldn’t stop looking, nor the disappointment when I didn’t see her anywhere.

Mrs. Quinn ushered us to our table. My father didn’t hide his happiness when she informed him to save her seat beside him. It softened the blow of her having to circulate.

“Andrew, can I have a minute?” Baker stepped in front of me, and Holt ran into my back.

I elbowed him in the side when he moved beside me, and he cleared his throat. “Easy On The Eyes,” he greeted smoothly.

She made an annoyed face, but a subtle blush crept up her cheeks. “Couldn’t bother with a tie?” Her eyes dropped to where his collar was open.

“Nope. You coming to sit next to me?”
