Page 154 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Hey.I haven’t properly thanked you for all your help with the food truck.”

Cricket stared down at her feet. “If I hadn’t left early that day . . ." she trailed off, her stringy hair falling in her face as she shook her head.

“It wasn’t your fault. If it wouldn’t have happened then, it would have some other time.” I believed that with everything in me. Huxley was determined when he set his mind to something. And patient. He’d have waited for the right moment.

“I won’t run off again.”

“You didn’t run that day,” I pointed out. “And you’ve been doing a great job.”

She looked past me. I didn’t think she could back any farther into the corner, but she did.

“You’re looking well.” I turned and grinned at Timothy.

“So are you,” I said, focused on his shoulder. “No sign at all that you’re injured.”

“Ah, it was nothing. And I could say the same about you,” he responded.

“I’m sorry you were shot.”

“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said apologetically, his brow furrowed as he looked behind me, noticing Cricket.

“I’m not sure you’ve properly met Cricket,” I said, stepping from between them.

Timothy perked up. “You mean Sprinter? No, I don’t believe I have.”

Cricket bounced on the balls of her feet, stammering when she spoke. “Um, ex-excuse me.”

She bolted toward the opposite side of the island and grabbed a plate.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“She needs time.” I had no idea why, but that much I recognized.

He watched Cricket for a moment as if he couldn’t help himself before returning his attention to me. “Have you missed me?” he teased.

“Yep. But now that you’re out and about, I expect to see you more often.”

“I’ve missed your food.”

“I brought you care packages,” I said, my voice rising.

He grinned. “I meant today. Usually, you’ve fed me by now.”

“If you hadn’t helped save my girl, I think I might be jealous.” Andrew snaked his arm around my waist.

“Glad you’ve come to your senses.” Timothy shucked Andrew’s shoulder.

“Me too.”

“Holt, you left the oven on.” All eyes went to Baker. She could be intense, but I’d never known her to be a nag.

“I don’t even know how to turn the damn thing on,” he shot back.

She put a hand on her hip, but I noticed the slight tremble of her fingers. Baker was nervous. Her new roommate made her nervous. This was a first.

“I can vouch for that,” Mr. Dixon said, immediately clamping his mouth shut at the scathing look Baker shot in his direction.

“HOW!” Blake’s shriek broke the awkwardness.
