Page 70 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Not this time.” He didn’t elaborate, so I just enjoyed the pleasant evening. “I’m going to give you Marlow’s number.”

My brow furrowed. “So she can volunteer at Paths?”

“No. Well, she can if she wants.” His steps faltered and worry flashed in his eyes. “I think she could use a friend. One who isn’t her brother.”

“I’m sure she already has friends.”

“She does, but . . .” He paused as if searching for the right words. “My sister’s had a tough time. She acts like everything’s normal, but I’m worried about her.” He shook his head. “I shouldn’t ask that of you—”

I stopped walking and faced him. This man kept surprising me. He hadn’t balked at me meeting his family at lunch the other day. And now, he was showing how thoughtful he could be.He loved his sister.That was extremely attractive, but also brought peace to my heart. “I’d love to call her,” I said solemnly before lightening my expression. “At the very least, I can get the dirt on you.”

“Oh, you want to know more about me? All the embarrassing stuff?” He wrapped his free arm around me and tugged me closer.

“Think she’s got a naked picture of a mini-you in the bath?” I tilted my head back and beamed at him.

“Of course she does. Anything to use for blackmail.” He dipped his face closer to mine and my stomach dropped. Instead of kissing me, he nuzzled my nose. “I’m flattered you want to see me naked.”

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” I warned, placing my palm against his chest. I’d thrown myself at him when he’d kissed me, but I knew I wasn’t ready for more. Not yet.Would I ever be ready?

“I won’t.” He steered me so we were side by side again.

We resumed our stroll, eventually stopping in front of a brownstone maybe fifteen minutes from the parking lot.

Andrew took both of my hands in his. “This is my place.”

Wait. What?

He didn’t seem like he’d try to take me to his house so soon. Maybe I misjudged. Maybe he wasn’t who I thought he was. My expression must have translated my apprehension.

“I need to grab our dinner,” he said hurriedly. “You’re more than welcome to come in, but if you want to wait here, I completely understand.”

The last time I’d gone home with a man—myhusband—hadn’t gone well.Andrew’s not like that. How do you know?I warred with myself, even took a few steps back, though he didn’t release me.

“Bright Side, wait here on the steps. I’ll be back in just a minute.” He guided me to the stoop and waited until I sat on the brick. “You good?”

I nodded, despite nearing hysteria. This was nothing. An everyday thing that people did all the time. It wasn’t like he’d invited me here for a drink. We were just picking up our dinner. I could do this without having a panic attack. I could be normal.

Blue. Green. Yellow.

He waited until he was sure I was all right before jogging up the steps.

“Andrew,” I called hoarsely, twisting my body so I could see him.

He held the door propped open with his foot, his hand still on the keys in the lock. I popped up, and his gaze was questioning. I gave a slight nod, and he opened the door so I could pass through. I didn’t think, I just moved until I stood in a foyer, a set of steps leading up and a hallway beside it.

Andrew collected the mail from the box affixed beside the front door and tossed it on the console table in the foyer before he let the door close behind him. My pulse thrummed in my ears. I stared at another door just off the hall. One that probably led to the basement.

I fought the wave of nausea threatening to overtake me.

“What’s in that door?” I whispered, pointing toward the offensive wooden piece. He looked at me strangely and moved past me, placing his hand on the knob. “No. Don’t,” I said when he started to open it.

“A coat closet.” He spoke the words like a question, and I berated myself for asking. “Trish?”

I was rooted in my place, hands balled at my sides. “Does it have a lock?” My voice was barely audible to my own ears.

Andrew looked at me warily. “No. No lock.” He turned the knob, and the door creaked open. I looked away before peeking over my shoulder. He blushed. “I probably should organize it.”

A toboggan fell out. The closet was stuffed to the brim with coats and golf clubs and . . . “Is that a kayak?”
