Page 89 of Free Me (Free 1)

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As he came around the hood, I took him in. I wasn’t a fighter, but the man had me on edge. Unfortunately, he had about two inches of height and a good deal more muscle mass on me. Not to mention three friends.

He pointed his chin down the street. We moved away from the noise and the crowd of the truck.

“Is she okay?” I asked quietly.

He didn’t immediately respond, as if he were still sizing me up.Tell me, damn it.

“She’s safe,” he answered tersely.

“Why does that not make me feel any better?” I shoved my hands in my pockets and fiddled with my keys nervously.

“How do you know her?” He mirrored my position, though he had no nerves. Everything about the man was pure steel.

“Through the food truck. We’ve gone out a few times. In fact, we had dinner last night. She got a phone call, said she wanted some privacy, but she disappeared.” I flipped my keys in my pockets.

“If you’ve dated, you must know how to reach her.”

I growled in frustration. “I’ve never gotten her phone number. I was going to last night, but she left before I could.”

“Did you do something to warrant her prompt exit?”

I scowled at the accusation. “No. I told you. She got a phone call and left without a goodbye.” I yanked on the end of my hair. “Just—I want to know if she’s okay. I’ve been up all night worried sick.” I paced around in a circle, unable to stand still a moment longer. “Who upset her?”

“That’s not my place to say.” He was too calm for my liking.

“How doyouknow her?” It bothered me that she didn’t contact me if she needed help with the food truck. I’d have dropped everything for her. Instead, she hadn’t even considered me. I was glad she had friends, but it still stung. I’d told her I didn’t want anyone else. That I wanted to really try this thing with her.

And then she’d disappeared.

“Borderline” by Madonna came from the pocket of his shirt. I paused and stared as he pulled his phone out. Never would have guessed this guy to have a ringtone like that.

“Princess,” he rasped, and my eyes flared. The man was full of attitude, yet I heard the unmistakable love in that one word for the person on the other end.

“Tell her everything’s fine. In fact, a friend of hers stopped by.” He leveled his gaze at me, though his brow lifted slightly at what the other person said.

“How did you know that?” His tone wasn’t quite snappy. “How does she feel about this?”

He murmured his acknowledgment and a soft spokenI love youbefore he clicked off.

His jaw was set when he looked at me. “Be here at six o’clock.”

He stalked off, and I looked at my watch. Three hours. I couldn’t get shit done at the office, so I wandered toward a nearby bench and sat down.

I spun my phone in my palm.

Scrolled through my email without seeing a damn thing.

Crossed my legs.

Uncrossed them.

Watched the steady line of people at the food truck build. There were a lot more women today than usual.

I couldn’t sit here any longer. I sprang to my feet and muscled my way between a man and woman in line.

“Open the door,” I said to Black Eyes when I got close enough to the window.

He watched me with hawk eyes until I was out of sight around the back of the truck. The door sprang open and two men with arms folded over their chests greeted me. One looked as dangerous as the man at the window. The other equally so in a more calculated, rather than in-your-face, manner.
