Page 130 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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My legs got a little shaky, but I held it together.

“Ask Andrew the details. I don’t really feel like talking about it.” He looked toward the windows.

“I want your version, not my brother’s.”

“How’d it go with your dad?”

“Good.” I turned his face toward me. “Stop avoiding the issue.”

“I’m glad it’s worked out. Don’t let it go, Wicked. Don’t be sitting here like me with nobody.” He cast his gaze to the floor.

I squatted so he was forced to look at me. “You aren’t alone.”

After talking with Dad, I’d stayed up all night thinking. I couldn’t get Patrick off my mind. But lately, that seemed to be the norm.

“You’re right. I’ve got Andrew.”

“And me.”

His eyes flared. “‘Either he stays or I do.’ Does that sound familiar?”

“I’m furious with you. I don’t particularly like looking at your face right now.” Mostly because he made me crazy with his patience and his kindness and his stupid contracts.

He snorted. “Don’t even think about saying you care. You’re trying to keep me from our child. From Blake.”

“You pissed me off.” The lid came off my temper.

“I’m sure it’ll happen again. Is that going to be your go-to defense over the next eighteen years? I’m angry so I’ll use your children against you?”

He kept referring to Blake as his and it twisted me up in knots. “I—” The denial wouldn’t come out. I sank to my knees. “I’m sorry. If you did that to me . . .” I looked away. “I thought that’s what you were trying to do,” I whispered.

He slid to the floor and propped against the desk, pulling me between his legs. He sighed into my hair. “It was the opposite. I wanted to prove we were in this together. That I’d never keep you from Gummy.”

“You should’ve told me you were drawing up that contract.” I still hated that piece of paper. That gesture was so kind it almost tore me apart. But I didn’t want it.

“I handled it poorly.”

His hands rubbed my stomach and I nestled against him. This was the first time I’d felt right in days.

“What do we do about your situation?”

“Nothing.” He kissed my temple. “Will you come home tonight? I need you, Wicked.” His arms tightened around me.

I twisted to face him. “Are we just filling the void because you don’t want to be alone?”

I held my breath while I waited for him to answer.

He looked as if he were trying to get control of his temper. “I’m going to pretend those words didn’t just come out of that pretty mouth.”


“Be quiet. Let me enjoy this.” His hands dipped beneath my sweater. I shivered when his warm hands caressed my skin.

I gripped his thighs. “Thank you.”


“I don’t want to lose my family,” I confessed.
