Page 158 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“You abandoned us. You have no right to judge any parent.” I trembled with rage. How had I ever believed I needed this woman in my life?

She smiled. A sliver of fear cut through me.

“I’ve been here all along.” Her heels clicked on the steps. “And when I come back, I expect a more hospitable reception.”

I stared after her as she crossed the street.

“You’re shaking.” The softness of his tone caused a sheen to form over my eyes.

“What does she want?” I whispered.

“I don’t know, but it sounds like she’s coming after Blake.”

“No.” She couldn’t touch my baby. I’d die before I let her do anything to him.

“Let’s talk it over with Andrew. We might need to go on the offensive.” He easily handled getting Blake and the stroller up the steps before unlocking the door.

Blindly, I followed him inside.

“Why? Why now?”

“I’m not sure this is just starting. Do you mind if I call Dad too?”

“You can’t call my dad Dad.” I detoured into his office to the comfy chair by the window. “That feels good,” I said as soon as I sank into the leather.

“We need to ice your back later.” He hoisted Blake on his hip. “And why can’t I call him Dad? He said it was okay.”

I closed my eyes and rested my head against the back of the chair. “Because that would make you like my brother.”

“No way. More like my in-law. He’s our child’s grandfather.”

“I know how the family tree works.” If I didn’t move, maybe the little demons squeezing my back muscles would go to sleep. “He’s not your in-law.”

“Close enough.”

The sound of his footsteps got farther away. They climbed the steps and then I could no longer hear him walking. What remained was him and Blake having some sort of conversation at Ella volume.

I dreaded to make the call, but Patrick was right.

“Daddy,” I said as soon as he answered.

“Hi, sweetheart. How’s the back?”


“Don’t lie to your old man.”

“Hurts like hell. I want to rip all my muscles out and unknot them.” I pressed into the cushion in a feeble attempt to put pressure where the pain was.

“I know you didn’t call me to report in.”

“Do I have to have a reason to call?”

“No. But you always do.”

“Shewas here.”

