Page 171 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“I’m going to do my best no matter what.”

Satisfied, he nodded. “What do you know about Alex?”

“That he goes to see his sister-in-law twice a week.”

“How do you know that?”

I canted my head. “Didyouknow that?” He fidgeted his hands in his lap. I lifted my eyes to the ceiling. “Are you sure you want to get out of here? From where I’m sitting, I think otherwise.”

“Shel suspected something, but didn’t know for sure.”

“She thought they were having an affair?”

“Isn’t that what all married people think?”

I wouldn’t know.

“I want to know what she believed.”

“A month or so before we started up, she said Alex told her he was going for drinks after work with a couple of the guys. He didn’t like her seeing her sister, so she took the chance to go check on Kristen. When she got to her apartment, Alex’s car was in the lot.”

This would’ve been nice to know before now.

“Did she see them together?”

“He came out alone about a half hour later.” That could mean anything, even something as simple as giving her money. There seemed to be a lot of sneaking around in that family, but I never made assumptions. Fact finding was an excavation. If I kept digging, I’d find something.

“Why’d she tell you this?”

“I think she needed someone to talk to.”

Didn’t we all?Though at this point, I wished I’d have avoided people at all costs. They left when I needed them most.

“Do you find it odd that she suspects her husband of cheating with her sister and then starts up a relationship with you?”

His jaw tightened. “What are you implying? That she was using me?”

“You’d know better than I.”

“She loved me.”

How could he still believe that? He was rotting in this place, and she didn’t seem to care. I’d checked the visitor logs. She hadn’t been to see him.

“But there’s been no communication since your arrest?”

He pounded his fist on the table. “She thinks I killed her little girl.”

“How does that feel?” I’d just veered into questioning out of personal curiosity. I wondered if my reaction to Wicked was overblown.

Abraham sank down into his seat. “It sucks.”

Guessed I was justified. “If you’re exonerated, will you try to get back together with her?”

“She and Dara are my life.”

“Why would you want to? She doesn’t believe in you. She’s not here when you need her most.” We’d just split when it came to opinions. Marlow, Blake, and Gummy were my life too, but I couldn’t picture a scenario where we were together. I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t back me up. It didn’t seem like a big thing to ask.

“Yeah. She is.” He pointed to his temple. “How else do you think I’ve survived in here?”
