Page 195 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“That was buried deep, but the facts are always there if you keep digging.” He focused on Marlow. “If she hadn’t filed that complaint against you, we couldn’t have done anything. But it’s a serious offense to lie to the state. And Doc Stephenson can make sure she stays where she belongs. In a nut house.”

Marlow stared at both of us in disbelief. “She really is crazy.”

Mr. Dixon had been silent through most everything. “I see it now. The highs and lows. Always having her way. I never put that together.” He appeared apologetic, as if the hell she’d rained down on his family were his fault.

“She’s good,” Marlow said. “Better than good.”

“How’d you get Officer Wilson involved?” I asked. Duke had some cop friends, but like me, avoided them most of the time.

“I found his card on the desk in your office. Checked him out. He was looking out for you, so I called in a favor,” Duke said as if it were all simple. “He’s a good man.”

“Yeah.” I plowed my hand through my hair, exhausted.

“I need a drink,” Andrew said.

“Me too,” Holt and Mr. Dixon said simultaneously.

“I can’t have one,” Marlow lamented.

“We’ll drink one for you.” Holt playfully punched her in the arm.

I slid my arm around her waist. “Let’s go to Dino’s. I haven’t had anything decent to eat in days.”

Chapter Sixty-Four


“I can’t believe it.She left us for the uncle none of us ever knew about.”

Blake’s hands were plastered on the windows of the study, adding a new layer of prints to the glass.

“She’s—I don’t even know an accurate word.” Patrick tightened his hold around my middle.

My head dropped back against his shoulder. “In a few months, it’s going to be hard for me to get off the floor.”

“I’ve got you.”

“And bitch is one word you’re looking for.” I covered his hands with mine. “What texts were you talking about?”

He released a long breath. “I kept getting these weird texts from an unknown number. At first I thought it was Heather Buchan, Trish’s ex-sister-in-law.”

“The one you solicited for sex?” I kissed his jaw to soften the sting of my words.

“I’d seen Terra. For the first time since everything.”

I twisted to face him. “That’s why you got so drunk.”

“Yeah. She didn’t see me or anything, but it just brought back all the memories.” He kissed my forehead. “I couldn’t handle it.”

“Do you find it odd that my mother has connected us all this time and we didn’t know it?”

“It’s weird. But I won’t be mad if she had something to do with Andrew and me meeting.”

“He’s not all that great.” I wrinkled my nose, and he grazed my earlobe.

“If I didn’t know him, we wouldn’t be here right now.”

“Are we? Here? Together?”
