Page 20 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“I’ve finished up. Want me to come get her?”

“Marlow? I don’t think that’s necessary.”


“Let’s meet at Chez Dixon. Trish has leftovers, right?” Marlow punched me in the arm and vigorously shook her head. “Sounds like the perfect end to the perfect day.”

She flipped me off. I returned the gesture. She did it back. I did too.

“See you in a bit.”

I dropped my phone back into my pocket.

“I really hate you.”

“What’s wrong with dinner with your family?”

“I’m disgusting and exhausted. And I have to go back to New Jersey.”

“Don’t act like it’s across the country.” Gently, I nudged her shoulder. “Besides, I got you free food and more than likely decent wine. You can’t be mad.”

She marched out the door, the playpen under her arm. “What about the long commute home?”

“Stay with me.” What the ever-loving fuck was I thinking? Had I completely lost the ability to think before I spoke?


“Why do you live over there anyway?”

She pressed the call button for the elevator. “Do you hear me questioning your choice of living arrangements?”

“Your family is over here.”

“I know they are.” She refused to look at me as the doors closed us into the car.

“I’m just making conversation.” Why was that a no-go topic? Then again, it seemed like everything was.

“Well, you’re not very good at it,” she informed me.

“Like you’re any better. At least I don’t go around insulting people at will.”

She groaned, but I didn’t miss the flinch. Maybe she was more self-aware than I thought. Maybe she didn’t want to act that way, she just didn’t know how not to. “Why did I agree to this?”

“Because your son happens to like me.”

She softened at the mention of Blake. “He likes everybody.”

“Was your husband like that?” I’d met him a few times, but it had been years ago. From what Andrew told me, the guy had been on one tour of duty after another so he wasn’t around much.

“Don’t talk about him.”

“Why not?” I wheeled into the lobby.

Silence was our friend for a few minutes as we moved down the sidewalk. Every so often, she adjusted the playpen from one arm to the other.

“Here. Let me take it.”

“I’ve got it.” She slapped my hand away. We resumed our trek. “Yes.”
