Page 28 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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I glared at him. “That’s how all parents are.”

He gave me an unimpressed look. I knew from first-hand experience how true and false that statement was.

“It’s too bad if yours weren’t,” I continued, in full defense mode.

“You don’t know anything about them.”

“Because you never talk about your family.”

“What needs to happen here?” He took Blake from me as if he handled children all day long. “Do you want him changed? Or something?”

I struggled to keep the shock off my face. Did I continually see the worst in him because that was what I wanted to see? And what was I supposed to do with his kindness? And why did it bother me that he'd avoided talking about his family?

“Um, yeah.” It was the best I could come up with.

He swiped his thumb across my cheek. “You’ve got a little something here.”

Blake mimicked him, his chubby fingers grazing my face. “How. Ass.”

How I ended up being an ass all the time was my sentiment exactly.

Chapter Twelve


Mr. Dixon grippedthe edge of the door when he opened it.

His eyes darted from me to Marlow and back again. I was as surprised to be here as he was to see me. Somehow, when I’d helped put Blake and Wicked in the cab, I’d ended up in it too.

“Your son is supposed to bring the stroller and playpen,” I said.

He cleared his throat. “Come in. I just made a fresh pot of coffee.”

“Everything go okay with the emergency?” I asked.

“Yeah. Two more ladies came in yesterday and Audrey had a huge program scheduled. She needed help managing both.”

“They need legal help?” I shook my head when he offered me a cup.

“I don’t know, but I can ask her. See if they do.”

“She doesn’t tell you why they come?” Marlow arranged Blake into a bouncy chair set up in the kitchen.

“Audrey would never betray their confidence,” he said, affronted.

“Are you sure it’s no trouble for you to keep Blake? I’m sure Holt expects I won’t show up at some point.” Resentment radiated from her.

Where was the woman I could make tremble from my touch? The one who let herself be a little bit vulnerable?

“If you need my services again, you know where to find me.” I slapped the counter twice.

“You thinking of hanging up that law degree? Forging a new path in child care?” Mr. Dixon winked.

“Ella and Blake seem to be about the only children I can tolerate. The rest—” I shivered. Kids. They terrified the shit out of me.

“You’ll change your mind when you have one of your own.”

I gulped down air. “What?”
