Page 31 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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I’d always liked that he went after what he wanted. I waved my hand toward the door. “Refer the man out there to somebody else.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Stop calling me sir.”

Gerard did a little bow before he left.

I logged into the payroll system and bumped his salary up another thousand bucks a month.

Chapter Thirteen


“You don’t haveto do this.”

I lifted my gaze to Holt from my position on the floor where I’d been for the last half hour.

“I know I don’t,” I said acidly, then winced at my abrasiveness.

My head throbbed. Muscles I didn’t know I had ached. And I didn’t want to talk to anyone.

“Heard dinner last night didn’t go well.” He slid down the wall and sat beside me.

“One day you’ll all learn to stop inviting me.”

“Is that what you want?”

I hugged my knees to my chest. Should have been an easy answer. It wasn’t.

“Not now.”

“Have I always annoyed you?”

I jerked my head toward him. “Pretty much. But don’t take it personally. Andrew aggravates the hell out of me too.”

I was the oldest sibling. The only girl in the house growing up. The only one in our family until recently. Sometimes I wondered if that was why I didn’t have the emotions most women did. Because I hadn’t really been around any for most of my life.

But my brothers and father had that something I didn’t. They were empathetic. I was just . . . angry.

He fiddled with a piece of string hanging off his sleeve. “She showed up over at Ed’s again.”

Theshewas no doubt our mother. Ed owned the garage Holt worked for before deciding to go on his own.

The anger that was my best friend intensified. How dareshebother my baby brother?

“What do you mean again?”

“The first time she wanted me to have dinner with her. Gave me her number and everything.”

Please don't ever let him fall for the same load of crap I did.

“Yeah? What’d you say?”

“I threw the card out after she left. Didn’t see her again until she showed up in Wyoming.”

I should’ve known that. Holt was smarter than I was and definitely had better instincts.

“I thought that’s what you had wanted.” I propped my chin on my arms.
