Page 62 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“I never stopped. Though it seems like the rest of the family wants nothing to do with you.” Her mother touched her shoulder. Marlow shrugged it off. “You did the right thing giving me the details of Andrew’s wedding. A mother should be there for her children’s momentous occasions.”

Marlow’s jaw worked. Seeing Marlow angry was an everyday occurrence at the moment, but right now, she was furious. Her mother was lying. I hated very few people, but that woman had shot her way up near the top of the list.

“A mother should be there for every moment of her child’s life,” I said.

Wicked looked at me in surprise. I wasn’t going to let this bitch speak to her this way.

“Are you going to be there for yours?” She smiled innocently at me.

“I don’t have any children,” I said.

She patted Marlow’s stomach. “She wore this exact shade of putrid when she was pregnant with Blake. How’s the vomiting this time? Easier with the third pregnancy?”

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Stay awayfrom all of us. You’re toxic.”

She smiled at me.Smiled. How could she so casually throw that out there and mention the baby I’d lost? The one I never let myself think about because it was too painful.

“You’ll feel differently once your hormones settle.” She squeezed Blake’s hand.

I had let this woman into our lives. I thought she was out. Looked like I would have to figure out some way to make sure of it.

As she slithered away, my lip curled in disgust.

Patrick was pale.

“Is she right?”

“I didn’t tell her about the wedding plans. We’ve been through this.” I despised having to continuously defend myself about that.

“About the pregnancy?”

I waved my hand in the air. “She’s just spewing shit to get a rise out of me.”

“But you have been nauseous a lot lately.”

“Like you said, I’ve got a stomach bug.” I popped a chip in my mouth.

“When’s the last time you had your period?”

“That’s personal,” I said, grateful when the waiter delivered our food. I swapped the fajitas in front of me for his tacos.

“Were you hungry a lot with Blake?”

“Ravenous. I could eat a whole pizza . . . by myself,” I finished slowly. “No. I can’t be.”

“I don’t have any experience with pregnant women, but all the signs are there.”

“What do you know?” Of all the people to deliver this news, that witch I’d given up the rest of my family for just had to be the one. Not to mention I couldn’t handle another child. Or potentially losing one.

“Have you been with anyone else?”

I glared at him. “Have you?”

