Page 72 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“I’ll make you a deal.”

“Is that supposed to help?”

“You behave and you can take out all that fury on me later.”

“You mean sex.”

He flashed me a cocky grin. “If that’s what you want.” He leaned in close. “You don’t have to deny it.”

“Shut the hell up.”

“This going to be a disaster.” He sighed as the car rolled to a stop.

“Why are we in front of a church?”

“An exorcism. Not sure if it’s me or you that needs it.” He pulled me out of the car while simultaneously holding Blake.

I planted my feet on the sidewalk. “I’m not marrying you.”

His mouth rolled to one side. “I’m flattered you find the idea abhorrent given you thought enough of me to father a child with you.”

“It was a mistake,” I said, my voice rising.

“Then how about once this baby is born, I’ll take her. You never have to see either of us again.” His face was stony.

“Fuck you.”

“That’s how we got here, Wicked.” He spread one arm. “Are you done now?”

“That’s impossible given you’re the father of my child.”

He sucked in a breath. “Get used to it. I mean it. I’m not going anywhere.”

I shivered at the threat in his tone. “I’m giving you an out. You can go back to screwing whoever you want and going out every night of the week.”

“Forgive me if I’m not more grateful.” He took off toward the entrance.

“Give me my son.” I chased after him.

“Don’t rob him of this chance,” he said without turning around.

“Chance for what? You don’t get to dictate his life,” I yelled without thought that we were inside the chapel.

The soft chatter in the room stopped. I recognized the faces near the altar that stared at me. Holt stood at the end of the aisle in a suit.

“You should’ve told me,” I hissed, tugging on Patrick’s arm.

“Would you have come?”

“They didn’t ask me.” I’d lost control on the volume again.

“Pretend like they did. When it’s over and you need a punching bag, have at it.” He continued down the center aisle. “Are we too late?”

I marveled at how he’d flipped the switch from irritated to good-natured in a second.

“Right on time.” Holt strode toward us. “Hurry up and sit down. I want to get married.”

They shook hands. My brother flicked his chin at me. I clamped my mouth shut.
