Page 93 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“You smell like the beach.”

“You’re squishing me.”

“You can still talk. You’re okay.”

I pulled her up until we were both straight.

“I’m dead.”

I sucked on her pulse point. “Hmm. Not yet.”

She leaned her full weight against me. “I can’t do anymore. Not right now.”

I splayed my hands across her stomach. “What about the floor? Wall? Shower?”

“You’re an ass.”

“You didn’t think so a minute ago when I made you come.”

“Temporary insanity.”

“Yeah. It was.”


We froze. Reality crashed over us. She disentangled and had my shirt over her head before I could blink. I hopped and put on my shorts as I chased after her.

A red faced Blake sat in the middle of his bed, cheeks wet. Marlow sat beside him, and I joined them on his other side.

“What is it?”

It was an inappropriate time, but I marveled at the tone she always had for her son. Where her patience was nonexistent for everyone else, it was infinite with Blake. The situation we were in was an accident, and precarious at best, but the one thing I was certain of . . . she was a damn good mother.

His tears immediately dried. He fisted her shirt and grinned up at her.

“You thought we’d left you,” she said, with a tender smile.


“We would’ve been if we’d abandoned you here.”

I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing. He climbed into my lap and blinked up at me.


I brushed his hair back. “I love you too, little dude.”

“Want to hang out with Patrick while Mommy takes a shower?”

He stared at her. I frowned. “I thought we were taking a shower.”

“You should’ve been quicker.”

“That’s a first,” I grumbled.

When she stood, a wet spot stained the bed. I gave her a smug look, this pride I didn’t understand filling me. I’d done that to her.

