Page 95 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“What was that for?”

“I see the beach hasn’t changed you,” he said wryly.

I dropped into a chair. “That’s the problem. All of you want me to be somebody I’m not.”

“You’re right. I want you to be happy, and you aren’t.” He settled Blake on his lap.

“I want you to talk to Dad about something.”

“I’m not getting in the middle of it. Whatever you’re pissed at him about, leave me out.”

“He hasn’t told you?”

His ears turned pink. “Yeah, he did. He’s devastated over this.”

“I thought you weren’t getting involved.”

He quirked his mouth to the side. “With this family, it’s impossible not to.”

“The desk in his office. I want him to give it to Holt. For the garage.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Youdidpaint it.”

“Will you help me or not?” Guessed they’d been talking about the mystery painter.

“He used to sit behind it. His feet wouldn’t even touch the floor.”

“Once, he was the banker. I came in to open an account.” I found my lips turning up.

“He denied you.”

I laughed. “You two loved giving me a hard time.”

“Still do.” He winked. “Why don’t you talk to Dad about it? Maybe you could discuss the other things while you’re at it.”

I fiddled with a napkin on the table. “I don’t know if I’m ready yet.”

“At least hear him out.”

“The way he did after your wedding?” I stiffened.

He drew in a breath, carefully considering his words. “None of us handled that situation very well.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You should’ve told us she was in your life.”

“I don’t know everything that happens in yours,” I said, voice rising.

“What you don’t know is because you choose not to.” He bounced Blake, the picture of calm while I was unraveling.

“You’re my best friend. At least you used to be.”

I missed the friendship I'd had with my brother. We’d been close, even as adults. Andrew had been single and Jack was deployed so often that we’d had plenty of time to hang out. I’d pulled back after Jack’s death, but my brother had never stopped checking in.

He appeared genuinely surprised. “You’re mine too.”

But then Trish had come along. I was happy for him, but didn’t like the wedge she’d put between us. He had a family of his own now and not so much time for me. Sometimes it felt like just getting together for coffee was a big ask.
