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“How are they, doc?” Gently, I lay Sadie down.

The driver backed out of the room.

“Put her in the oxygen chamber.”

I lifted Ash before the vet tech could. She led me to another room lined with kennels and opened one with a glass door.

Dr. Lyons was right behind me with Muffy and deposited him in a similar kennel.

“We don’t have another chamber.”

I got Sadie and placed her on a table where the vet directed. She hooked a mask around the dog’s muzzle and pressed buttons on a nearby machine.

That stubborn dog had led me to the others. She’d saved them. And she better not give up on me.

I’d give anything to hear that shrill bark demanding breakfast or any other B-word that came to mind.

I moved to Ash and touched the glass door that separated us. Poor girl. She’d survived one fire. Her lungs probably still hadn’t fully healed from that.

But she was a fighter.

My fighter.

It was terrifying seeing these lively creatures unmoving.

Dr. Lyons steered me away from them and spoke quietly as if she didn’t want them to hear what she had to say.

“I’m sorry, Teague. But they’re in trouble.”

Chapter Forty-Four


Beep.Beep. Beep.

I reached beside me, blindly trying to turn off my alarm. My hand hit something unfamiliar. I struggled to open my eyes.

My nose burned like I’d been standing over a fire, inhaling smoke for hours.

I jolted.


The last thing I remembered was Miss Adeline passed out.Oh no.Had I passed out too?

It had been so hot. Was the fire out?

Open your eyes, Pepper.

I forced myself to fight past the sting. White light blinded me as I blinked to adjust.

“Are you awake, Pepper?” I recognized the voice but couldn’t quite place it.

Everything was fuzzy.

I tried to lift my head. It was too heavy, so I lolled it to the side.

