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“Your wife is probably glad to have you out of the house.”

Teague cleared his throat and stood. “How soon can you get this mess cleared up for Pepper?”

“I’ll send the letter this week. From there on, the time frame depends on the legal system,” Zegas said.

“Thank you. We’ll let you two get to your next case.” I pushed to my feet.

“Aren’t you the fireman who was fired?” Whitley paused, shuffling through papers.

“Yeah?” Teague gripped the back of his chair.

“That’s why I’m here. Did I miss something?” Whitley grabbed a legal pad and pen.

“Pepper is most important.”

I appreciated Teague putting my needs ahead of his own. He had two great lawyers at his disposal, and I wanted him to take advantage of them even if it was just to clear his good name.

“I think we’re done with my issue. I’ll wait in the lobby while you fill them in on yours.” I reached for my purse and stood. “Mr. Zegas, I’ll give your secretary contact information so you can send me a bill.”

He waved me off. “I’ll charge Daniel extra next time.”

Somehow, I didn’t think he was joking. “I’d prefer to pay my own way.”

The Elliotts had done more than enough for me. I might have to cut off my right arm to pay for the precious few minutes of time Kane Zegas had given me, but I wouldn’t saddle them with any more IOUs.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Teague stood and shot him a look I couldn’t decipher.

Then he turned and focused those chocolate pools on me. “Stay. Please.”

We both circled back to the chairs we’d just vacated.

“Oh don’t be all stuffy and sit over there.” Whitley motioned us over. “These chairs are more comfortable than those.”

“For Christ’s sake,” Zegas grumbled as he rolled his chair back. “This is my office, you know. Have I no authority anymore?”

“At least you aren’t gloating about how you saved my ass.” Whitley looked up toward the ceiling. “Thank goodness for small mercies.”

“Elliott owes me for this. It was bad enough when I had you for a client.” Zegas dropped onto the opposite end of the sofa.

I glanced at Teague who looked as clueless as I felt. If Zegas hadn’t immediately come up with some incredibly legitimate questions regarding my case, I’d be second-guessing that these two lawyers were the best of the best.

Teague cleared his throat. “You’re not charging me for the time you bicker, right?”

Whitley burst out laughing. “He will.” He pointed at Zegas. “If I were you, I’d check your bill.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


“What do you think?”

Ash pulled me down the sidewalk with a little harder tug than usual. Muffy had found something interesting to smell up ahead, and she was curious too.

“That I’m ready for summer so my face won’t freeze off,” I said.

“You just want car wash season,” Pepper volleyed back.

“And you and that one still owe me.” I pointed toward Muffy.
