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He had no idea what he was “marrying” into.

“My father is everywhere.”

And that was an absolute truth.

He glanced around nervously but squeezed to the point I thought my fingers were going to snap. “When you belong to me, I expect more compliance.”

“I’m sure you do.”

I picked up my fork and stabbed the top of his hand.

“Shit!” he cried, immediately releasing me.

The entire restaurant looked in our direction. I discreetly set the fork in place, smiling to myself at the four dots of blood pooling on the top of his hand, collected my purse, and exited with my head held high.

My hand throbbed with excruciating pain. If that bastard broke my fingers, that fork would be the least of Alex’s worries. I didn’t have a daddy who would break his knees. But my brothers would do a lot worse if I told them what had happened.

I wouldn’t put them in that position.

If Alex Davenport ever laid another finger on me, it would be the last time he touched anyone.

My temper shot through the roof with every stab of pain.

I hate him.

But the thought wasn’t just directed at Alex. I hated my father too. For putting me in this position. What man did that to his daughter?

“Miss Hollingsworth.”

Father’s driver stood dutifully by the car. He opened the back door, which I was expected to get in. And I always did whathewanted.

“You ended the evening prematurely.”

I’d barely hit the seat before Father started in. “It had run its course.”

I was tempted to show him exactly what Alex had done to me. Instead, I gently covered my injured hand with the other. As Hollingsworths, we were expected to handle our own problems. When I’d skinned my knee as a child, it had only taken me once to learn to suck it up.

Never show weakness.

Instead of a Band-Aid and a kiss, I’d received those cold words of wisdom.

“Because you have other plans?”

My stomach dropped. I’d done everything to shake him off my tail to see Cal. Did he know?

“You taught me to walk away when valuable time becomes wasted. He had nothing more to add to this arrangement.”

A slight smile, if it could be called such, turned up his thin lips. “Very well. It’s best the Davenports don’t get too comfortable.”

The high I’d felt after seeing Cagan had officially evaporated. I prayed he’d get me out of this disaster, yet felt guilty for even asking in the first place. What if, by marrying me, he missed out on someone special?

Lincoln and Teague had driven home the point that it was never too late in life to find love.Ifthat was what a person wanted. Which I didn’t.

“They have everything to gain. This deal certainly isn’t mutually beneficial.” From my standpoint, we had everything to lose. And that was setting aside my personal stake. The Davenports added nothing to the Hollingsworth name.

I didn’t care about such things, but my father did. And yet, he was still pushing this deal. This arrangement where his daughter was sold to the highest bidder . . .Why?

If there had been a semblance of a smile on his face, it faded. “Do not doubt my decisions.”
